Growth, development, evolution, or refinement.
A person, their life, or their quality of life.
Life force, nature, or a higher power.
Doing good work, or producing good or useful things.
Consider the plant’s characteristics, context, and what that stood out about it (for example, a sick plant might represent a perceived imbalance in your life, and a thriving plant might represent vibrancy).
If a particular part of the plant stood out, consider its individual meaning.
Consider also the type of plant.
A palm tree might represent a warm climate or a relaxed feeling (or a desire for such).
A fruit tree or flowering plant might represent productivity or creativity.
A prickly cactus might represent a threat, obstacle, or irritable person.
See Also: Planting, Seed, Sprout, Root, Stem or Trunk, Branch, Leaf, Garden, Lawn, Field, Tree, Flower, Vine, Farming, L, scape
[1]Vision: Seeing plants: favorable connections are possible— maybe even a wedding. Watering plants: a happy family and social advancement.
See Also: Bush, Flower, Meadow, Tree. Looking at a creeping plant: you are afraid, uncertain, and full of self-doubt.
A vine refers to instability and fears that interfere with your life.
Depth Psychology: Dreaming about a creeping vine means that you are insecure and fearful, and these feelings are getting in your way.
[2]Healthy plants, growing indoors or out, are an omen of general good luck in your current undertakings, and the omen is intensified if the plants were in bloom; however, if they were wilted or in poor condition, they signify a warning of possible difficulties due to careless planning.
A dream of repotting, watering, feeding, or setting out plants is a promise of a contented homelife in comfortable circumstances.
See Also: Foliage, Flowers, Garden, Colors.
[3]Dreams of a plant are a message to become grounded, grow roots, and to stand firm in your convictions while developing mastery in your area of expertise.
If you dream of a manufacturing plant, then this dream is about efficiency, and youmass production of your ideas, visions and plans.
[4]A plant often represents a part of the dreamer.
It is a symbol of growth, naturalness, but also that which is slow and logical.
This dream image often suggests the need to plant something, pointing to the development of the dreamer’s talents and abilities.
[5]You see lush plants: prosperity for you and your family; • Lush plants in the front yard of your house: you will have many things to celebrate; • You witness regrowth of withered leaves: your children will have a promisin
[6]A green plant is good service; dried is useless; artificial is hypocrisy; research the type of plant
[7]Growth; depending on number, size and quality, represents aspects of growth in your life.
[8]Dreaming that you see a plant come out of your body, is death; to dream of plants quick of growth, as the vine and the peach tree, denotes that the good and evil portended shall quickly happen; but trees that are slow of growing, as the oak, olive, etc., shows that the good or evil that shall happen to us shall be long in coming.
[10]Ifan inconsistent or a thoughtless person sees a plant in his dream, it means blessings, receiving praises, guidance, growing determination, or becoming decisive.