Purple is traditionally associated with royalty and the legal profession. In dreams, therefore, purple is indicative of loyalty, authority and justice. And because purple shades tinge the sky just before dawn and nightfall—times that were once thought to be imbued with mysterious and otherworldly powers—violet, indigo and any shade of purple are thought to possess profoundly spiritual or religious qualities. Whenever they appear in a dream, they may be seen as indicating compassion, deep intuitive wisdom and, by implication, inner peace.
If anyone you know was wearing purple in your dream, could this have reflected your admiration and respect for their spiritual or regal qualities? Or did these clothes irritate you because of that person’s self aggrandizement, or because you feel subservient to some authority figure or institution in your life? On the other hand, could the dream have been suggesting that you, or someone you know, is being a ‘shrinking violet’, i.e. shy and modest?
Purple everyday objects in dreams could also indicate the need for more openness and honesty in your dealings with others. Darker shades of violet may suggest misunderstandings or obstacles that need to be overcome. Violet is also a spiritual color, and brighter shades of violet in a dream are associated with inspiration and stimulation.
If violet features in your dream, have you been feeling as if you cannot relate to anyone? Could your dream possibly be trying to give you added inspiration with regard to a new project? Keywords: devotion, healing abilities, loving, kindness, and compassion. It is also the color of royalty, high rank, and dignity.
[1]Purple is usually the color of royalty, high rank, or dignity.
It is a strong color that can not be ignored. Likewise, most people have a strong opinion of purple: they really like it, or vehemently dislike it.
To some people, purple has spiritual connotations.
The Catholic Church uses it at funerals and around Easter time. It represents spiritual and personal transformation. Purple could also represent higher consciousness and spiritual protection.
A version of purple is also the color of the crown Chakra. When interpreting this color consider all of the details in the dream and try to make connections between the above mentioned-ideas and your current issues.
See Also: Colors
[2]Used by monarchs for centuries, purple is the color of royalty, high rank, and dignity.
This highly regarded color has connotations of transformation, particularly personal transformation. Esoterically, it represents the crown chakra, which is the highest center of consciousness in certain metaphysical systems.
[3]Purple is the color at the border of the visible spectrum. You are seeking awareness and transcendence. This is also a symbol of conservative religion (the aristocratic cardinals in the Middle Ages wore purple).
It is also a symbol of royalty, and of woman’s emancipation.
[4](See Also: Colors)
Dark: Mental stonns and disorientation.
Royal purple: Personal rulership, self-control, and mastery.
Amethyst: Wisdom, especially of a spiritual nature (See Also: Oystals, Gems).
Pale pastel purple: A spring color, often equated with Easter and rebirth.
A sense of individuality, or the freedom to be yourself and express yourself.
Richness (of life, personality, etc.).
A sense of royalty or distinction.
See Also: Color
[6]Purple is the color of spiritual vision and royal valor. Purple embodies qualities of intuition, psychic power, and clairvoyance. Purple is also the color of the mystic.
[7]Purple may symbolize mystery and therefore represent, in psychological terms, deep intuition or awareness of some as yet unexplored dimension of the self.
[8]1. An honorable standing, regal bearing, often in social settings or possibly the community.
2. Repressed anger or rage.
3. Blood.
[9]The color purple featured strongly in a dream symbolizes personal transformation and spiritual growth for the dreamer.
[10]Spirituality; status in one’s own circle. Increased social life, or the desire for same.
[11]Dreams of the color purple denote spirit, wisdom and intuition.
[12]A dark red and purple color that denotes dignity, success, honor, and loving happiness.
[14]Spiritual protection; higher consciousness.
[15]See Also: Colors. PURSE: See Pocketbook.
[16]Royalty and prosperity
[17]See Also: Colour Metaphors.
[18]See Also: under Colors.
[19]See Also: COLOUR.
[20]See Also: Violet.
[21]The color purple in a dream represents a brilliant and a skillful housemaid. Ifone sees himself lifting something of purple color in a dream, it means that he will hire or kiss a housemaid. Purple in a dream is also interpreted to mean a beautiful woman. In general, the sweet aroma of a purple plant among other fragrant plants represent a woman who has little care for stability, or it may represent a short lived child, or it could mean health problems.
If the color purple is mixed in a bouquet of flowers in a dream, it means love, affection and harmony.
(See Also: Colors)
[22]decorating room with: humility becomes you better than ostentation.
riding in a, car: joyful journey through transformation.
wearing: acting royal y wil bring il wil .
robes: have legal authority to proceed.
regal: develop greater self-confidence by overpreparing.