Dreams of a ransom represent that you are in a power play, dealing with issues of manipulation and opportunism. This dream may be calling your attention to consider that the more attached to something you are to a person or situation in your life, then the more easily you can be manipulated.
See Also: Kidnap.
[1]Regardless of the action, if the main feature of your dream was ransom, you are likely to come by an unexpected and fairly impressive sum of money through a strange combination of circumstances.
See Also: Kidnap.
[2]To dream that a ransom is made for you, you will find that you are deceived and worked for money on all sides.
For a young woman, this is prognostic of evil, unless some one pays the ransom and relieves her.
[3]1. Deception and trickery.
2. A large sum of money feels unearned, undeserved.
3. Strong feelings of being a hostage, almost always emotional.
[4]Emotional expenditure; an attempt to free oneself.