Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
1. Being set apart;2. A symbol of value;3. Mark of God on the forehead; Mark of the beast;Gen. 4:15 Rev. 13:16-17; 14:9-11; 15:2....
1. The majesty of the Kingdom of God Rev. 18:12....
1. Looking for Direction/ path;2. Holy Spirit; Gods plan for your life. Prov. 6:23; Ps. 119:105....
See People metaphors....
1. Impressionist;2. Superficial person; 2 Kings 9:30; Jer. 4:30. ....
1. Hearing from God2. Invitation;3. A dream or Vision coming;4. Written communication; 1 John 5:11; Matt. 13:19....
1. Worldly Direction2. Lies;3. Publicity;4. Gossip; Prov. 6:19; 12:22; 14:5; Rom. 12:2....
1. Quarrels and fights;2. Speaking in tongues; 1 Jam. 4:1-17; 1 Cor. 14:2, 4-5....
1. Productivity;2. Work of the Spirit;3. Unproductive of the flesh;4. Human-made method; Eccles 7:29; Matt. 12:36; Rom. 7:5....
1. Flesh getting in the way;2. Church not reflecting light;3. Tribulation; Rev 6;12....
1. Gambling;2. Financial breakthrough; Matt. 17:27....
1. Having prophetic vision;2. Prophetic office; 2 Sam 12;1-14....
1. Our faults, mistakes, or sin;2. Flesh;Matt. 7:3-4; 1 Cor. 3:12-15; Ps. 1:3...
1. Outspoken person;2. Hurtful words (red lipstick);3. Drawing attention4. Enticing;4. Womanly; Prov. 5:3; 1 Sam. 25:3; Song. 4:3....
See body parts metaphors....
1. Majesty of God. (Dan 10:6....
1. Jesus;2. Righteous Christian; Matt. 5:14-15....
1. Revealed;2. Flashlight Personal knowledge or understanding;• Lights Turned off- Without understanding or manifestation.• Dim Light- Without full knowledge or understanding; ...
1. Word;2. Letter closed/ instruction sealed;3. Communication;Heb. 13:22;Acts 15:23; Esther 9:26, 30; Jer. 29:1; 2 Cor. 10:11....
See food fruit trees metaphors....
See body metaphors....
1. New life;2. Adversity, Prosperity; trees planted by a river; Rev 22:2. Psalm 1:3....
1. Sin that spreads;2. False Teaching; 1 Cor. 5:5- 8; Luke 12:1....
1. Heavy;2. Shield of faith. Zech. 5:7-8....
1. Promise of God stored up for you; Eph. 1:3;...
See People metaphors...
1. The Word of God;2. Legalism;3. The writings of Moses;...
1. Wrath of God;2. Judgment;3. Sudden death; Mic. 1:3a-5; 2 Pet. 3:10, 12....
1. Joy of worship;2. Sarcasm;3. Rejoicing Job 5:20; Gen. 18:11-15....
1. Brain;2. What does it represents to you? (work, writing, games,) Eph. 4:23; Neh. 2:7....
1. Comfort; Prov. 6:27....
1. Narrow is the way that leads to eternal life; Num. 22:26;...
1. Beacon of light;2. Monument of faith (Bethel this is the house of God; Josh. 4:3-7; Matt. 26:13....
1. Can be the devil;2. Lord Jesus; Luke 12:45....
1. Habitation of man;2. Our inheritance;3. The promises of God. Gen. 1:9, 10; 2:11-13. • New cleared land- New place of ministry. • Bare earth/dust Curse- Stated of being humbl...
1. Holy Spirit;2. Word God3. Jesus; Prov. 20:37; Rev. 1:2....
1. A fault in one’s walk with God;2. Not fit for priesthood; Sam. 5:8; Lev. 21:17-23....
See Animals metaphors...
1. Pond;2. Revelation;3. Good or Bad Teaching,4. Not fresh, standing water,5. Need periodic Cleansing;6. Restricting the move of God; Luke 5:2, 4; John 6:15-21; Rev. 19:20....
See House and accessories metaphors....
1. Getting married (Tied the knot)2. Secured; Dan. 5:16...
1. Opportunity2. “Behold I stand at the door and knock” Jesus’ desire for intimacy; Rev. 3:20....
See House and accessories metaphors...
1. United together in the body of Christ;2. Woven; Col. 2:19;...
1. Killing two birds with one stone (Getting rid of);2. Slandering; Gal. 2:20; 2 Sam. 12:9; Matt. 5:21-22....
1. Take/n away;2. The devil holding someone for ransom; Gen. 30:15; Tim. 2:25-26....
See Rooms; house & accessories....
See body parts metaphors....
See sexual Metaphors...
See House and accessories metaphors....
1. Word play Jumping the gun /jumping the line2. Shortcut; Matt. 8:9....
See People Metaphors...
1. Valuable possession;2. God’s people;3. Gifted person Mal. 3:17; 1 Cor. 3:12; Ex. 19:5....
1. Outreach Church;2. Platform to give the gospel;Acts13:1-3;...
1. Food without substance; 1 Cor. 3:2....
1. The establishment of peace; called “The City of Our God;”2. The remnant of God. Heb. 12:22-28; Gal. 4:6; Rev. 3:12; 21:2, 10....
1. Beauty;2. The righteousness of Christ;3. Powerful revelation Song. 5:14 Song. 7:4....
1. Itching ears; Hearing what you want to hear; 2 Tim. 4:3....
1. The correction of God through a pressing and heated trial;2. Ironing out problem relationships;3. Turning away from sin; Zeph. 2:11; Is. 41:1; 42:12, 15; Acts 28:1....
1. Leadership;2. Strength;3. Hard;4. Bound; Prov. 27:17; Josh. 17:16-18 ....
1. Sowing into God’s Kingdom; Prov. 31:16....
1. Tiny;2. Sickness;3. Pest. Exod. 5:3 & Exod. 8:21....
1. False god;2. Leading into a Trap; Ps. 106:36; (4) Ps. 115:4.Ink1. Speaks of Writing;2. Writing a book;3. The written word on Cain.Gen 4;15; 2 John 1:12; 3 John 1:13....
1. Cold personality;2. Without love3. No flow of the Spirit; Job 37:10; 1John 4:7.Incense1. Prayer;2. Worship;3. Praise;4. Idol worship;Rev. 5:8; 8:3-4; Is. 60:6; Luke 1:10-11; Jer...
1. Need of a Break;2. Festive mood;3. Not awake; Exod. 20:11; 31:17; Exod. 12:14....
1. On fire for God;2. Problems comings;3.See red;Rev. 3:15-16; Ps. 39:3....
1. An area in your life not conforming to God;2. Bondage; Jer. 31:11; Matt. 20:38....
1. The power and testimony of Jesus;2. The power kings;3. Anointing;4. Alarm or warning (“shofar” ram’s horn); Ps. 18:2; Luke 1:69....
1. Snare of temptation2. The Gospel;3. The Word with power;1 Cor. 2:4; Ezek. 19:4;...
1. Hiding place;2. Trap; Jer. 13:4; 16:16....
See Food Fruit trees Metaphors....
See body parts...
1. A trial or difficulty in your life;2. Mountain;3. Throne of God; Mt Zion. Ps. 68:16; 95:4; 98:8; Gen. 7:19....
1. Destiny derailed/ diverted destiny;2. An hidden agenda;Matt. 16:22-23; Dan. 10:13....
See transportation Metaphors....
1. Salvation;2. Promise from God;3. Covering to protect the head of a person. (Eph. 6:17; Is. 59:17; 1Thess. 5:8.Herb1. A root of bitterness.Eph. 6:17; Is. 59:17; Heb. 6:7; Num. 9:...
See body parts Metaphors....
1. Freedom restricted;2. ProtectionJob 1:10;3 Ps. 80:12; Matt. Prov. 15:19....
1. Sad feeling;2. Grief;3. The glory of God;4. Burden; 1 Kings 8:11; 2 Cor. 4:17....
1. Death; an burial of an issue; Gen. 23:4; 49:29....
1. Hearing from God;2. What do you listen to, good or bad; 2 Cor. 10:5....
See body parts metaphors....
1 Covering;2. Attitude;3. Protection;4. Thoughts; Eph. 6:17; Is. 59:17;1 Thes 5:8; Is. 59:17....
See Directions and seasons metaphors, also Food, Fruit trees metaphors....
See people metaphors....
See Clothing Metaphors....
1. Need to release your anger;2. Fear of something3. Danger lurking; Jer. 17:22; (3) Mark 3:7....
See Body Parts metaphors....
1. Living Word;2. Never used in Temple;3. Straighten metal;4. God’s Word;5. Babylon;Jer. 23:29; 50:33; Prov. 25:18;Kings 6:7; Judges 4:2....
See Body Part Metaphors....
1. Judgment Wrath; Is. 28:17; Hag. 2:17....
1. A channel for the Spirit;2. Word play, Rock bottom; Mic. 7:10; Matt. 5:3....
1. Words that wound;2. Accusation;3. Threatening words; Ps. 64:4; Luke 11:21-22; Acts 19:13, 15-16....
1. Way;2. God’s Word and way;3. Stony ground; Is. 11:16; 35...
1. Curse of the law;2. Spiritually dead;3. Death;4. Demonic influence;5. Resurrection life of God, the dead in Christ shall be raised first; Matt. 23:27; Luke 11:24....
See Animals metaphors....
1. Life;2. Fragile failing flesh;3. Shortness of life;4. God’s grace;Is. 15:6; 40:6-8; 51:12; Prov. 27:25; Jer. 14:5-6; 1 Peter 1:24. • Dried- Death of the flesh through repent...
See food fruit and trees metaphors....
See People metaphors....
1. Spraying someone with words; Mark 15:29;...
1. Glory;2. First place in championship;3. Anointing (gold honey);4. Valuable; Rev. 21:15, 18-21; (2) Lam. 4:1; Isa. 60;9; 1 Pet. 1:7....
See Animals metaphors...
1. Soul-tie;2. Stronghold; 1 Cor. 6:17; 1 Sam. 18:1....
1. Word of God;2. Mirror;3. Transparent;4. Fragile Job 37:18; Ps. 2:9; 31:12; Matt. 9:17....
1. Ready for battle; Belt of truth; Eph. 6:14; 1 Peter 1:13....
1. Harvest;2. Revival/ Protest;3. Church gathering;Luke 3:17; Rev. 14:15; Mark 1:33; Luke 8:4....
1. Opportunity, entering into;2. Access;3. Separation (closed gate);4. Power of authority;5. Satanic power;Gen. 19:1; 22:17; 24:60; Hos. 2:15; Ex. 32:26-27....
1. The Holy Spirit /Energy;2. Power;3. Anger;4. Refuel;Jude 1:9; Prov. 26:20-21; 24:28; James 3:14-15; Matt. 25:8-9....
1. Work;2. Ministry of the body of Christ;3. Place of intimacy with God;4. Field of labor;Gen. 2:8-10; 4:2-3; Is. 51:3; 58:11; Jer. 2:21;...
1. The pit of hell;2. Evildoing;3. Sin /unclean;4. Unclean spirit;1 Cor. 9:27; Mark; Isa. 66:24....
1. Take the opportunity or opening;2. Ministry of intercession;3. Jesus Christ;4. Missing Someone missing; Heb. 7:25; Luke 16:26....
1. Spiritual warfare2. Fear3. Gang leader may be a principality or power Josh. 1:4-9....
1. Addiction;2. Stronghold;3. Making decisions without God.Prov. 1:19; 15:27; (6) Eccl. 5:10 ....
1. Burying the past;2. Death to self;3. A new beginning about to be resurrected; Rom. 6:4....
1. Anger;2. Heated and painful experiences;3. The final wrath of God; Du. 4:20; Prov. 17:3; 1 Kings 8:51; Isa. 31:9; 48:10....
1. Future;2. Now; in the presence of;3. A prophecy of future events; Gen. 6:11; Rev. 1:19....
See Animals metaphors....
See People metaphors....
See Animals metaphors....
See Numbers metaphors....
See Numbers metaphors....
1. Love gone cold (cold-hearted);2. Spiritually inactive;3. Sexual issue of fear; Rev. 3:16; 2 Sam. 13:20....
1. Dislike;2. Troubled or burdened spirit; Isa. 2:11; Dan. 7:28....
1. No love;2. Hardship; Jer. 36:30; (2) Ps. 78:47....
1. Nations of the world or church;2. Forewarning of trial;3. Showing a place of danger;4. Confusion and lack of direction;Hos. 2:12; Jer. 12:8; 21:4, 14; 26:18; Is. 10:18-19....
See Body Parts metaphors....
See Food Fruit Tress Metaphors....
1. Preparation for storage or travel; Exod. 12:11...
1. What is misty in your life right now;2. Concerns or mindsets that are darkened by mist;3. Something concealed; James 4:14; Hos. 6:4....
See Animals metaphors....
1. Man’s glory of the flesh that is passing away;2. An offering;3. The fragrance of God; the Holy people and land of God, Israel.1 Peter 1:24; Song 2:1; James 1:10, 11; Song 2:1-...
1. Demonic powers fleeing in His Presence can be the Anointing of the Holy Spirit; Luke 11:20....
1. Beginning/foundation;2. Place of sorting/purging (threshing floor);3. Humbling. Ruth 3:3, 6; Isa. 21:10....
1. Judgment;2. Sudden;3. Floods destroy the unrighteous;4. Great destruction and trouble;5. Worldly powers that are hostile;6. Invading army;7. Trial; Ps. 29:10; 32:6; 93:3; Jer. 4...
1. Running away from what?2. Forsake; Matt. 2:13; 3:7; 24:16....
1. The Holy Spirit;2. God;3. Judgment;4. Light; Luke 3:16;...
See Animals metaphors....
1. Heat;2. Burden;3. Trial;4. Persecution;5. Holy Spirit;6. Cleansing;7. Judgment; Luke 12:49-53; 19:18-19; Jer. 5:14; 23:29; Ex. 22:6....
See Body Parts metaphors....
See Numbers metaphors....
1. Harvest or reaping of what has been sown;2. World;3. The believer; Matt. 13:24, 38, 44; Luke 15:15; John 4:35....
1. Obstruction;2. Security;3. Tradition that hinders;4. Barrier; Is. 5:2; Ps. 62:3; Num. 32:17....
See body metaphors....
1. Protective spiritual covering;2. Weightless;3. God’s protection. Ez. 17:3, 7; Ps. 91:4; Matt. 23:37; Dan. 4:33.FeedingAlso See food metaphors1. To be supplied in a spiritual o...
1. Cooling;2. Work of the flesh (imitate the Spirit); Matt. 3:12; Luke 3:17; Is. 441:16; Jer. 15:5...
1. Lack of the Word of God;2. Poverty;3. Actual famine; Amos 8:11; Jer. 29:17....
1. Not real;2. Façade;3. Superficial; Luke 6:42;...
1. Old2. Death;3. Like grass; Isa. 1:30; 24:40; 64:6; Jer. 8:13....
See People...
1. Taking eyes off God;2. Complete loss of support;3. Intense trial;4. Surrender;5. Separation from God; Eph. 4:18; Heb. 2:14, 15; Matt. 15:19....
See Buildings and Places....
See body parts...
1. Clearing your heart2. Preparing the foundations of the house.; 1 Chron. 28:9; Ps. 139:23....
1. A trial;2. Judgment;3. Test4. Temptation;5. Soul searching; James 1:2-4; 1 Pet. 1:7; Ps. 26:2; 1 Cor. 11:28....
1. Protection. Ps 74:4...
2. Leadership working in the flesh; 1 Cor. 15:47....
1. Upheaval;2. Revival (by crisis);3. Repentance;4. Trail;5. God’s judgment;6. Disaster;7. Shock;8. Shaking; God`s voice!; Acts 16:26, Isaiah 29:6, Hebrews 12:26-27; shakings of ...
1. God’s footstool2. The non-faith realm;3. Sight realm;4. The natural non-spiritual realm;5. Humanity;6. Land of our pilgrimage;7. Physical domain; 1 Cor. 2:14; Matt. 6:10; 1 Co...
1. Violent pressure being quickly released in a destructive way from emotional unrest; expansion or increase; quick work; devastating change. Ps. 11:6; Du. 32:22; Is. 48:3....
1. Going into the spiritual realm;2. Elevated Symbolic of victory;3. Jesus being lifted up on the cross;4. Wisdom that comes from above;5. Beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount.6. ...
1. Taking to heart or opening one’s heart...
1. Nakedness Gen. 9:22-23....
1. Spiritual power of God or demonic;2. Destruction;3. Flow. Matt. 9:8; Luke 10:19; 22:53. • Fire damaged outlet- Electrical fires are often caused by outlet overload1. Extreme r...
1. Susceptibility;2. Fear of upset (walking on eggshells);3. Proceed cautiously;4. Vulnerable;5. Empty promises. Prov. 23:7-8....
1. New spiritual life....
1. Accusation spoken over and over;2. Many opinions vocalized;3. Meaningless prayer; Luke 23:21; Matt. 6:7....
1. Great danger;2. Strong attack from the enemy;3. Potential for God and great spiritual power that is used for good or evil; destruction. (Matt. 9:8; Luke 10:19; 22:53....
1. Shame; mockery;3. Descendants;4. To be cursed or under a curse;5. Death;6. Shortcomings of man; Matt. 10:4; Acts 13:51;Sam. 2:8; 2 Sam. 16:3; Is. 47:1....
1. Intoxicated in the natural,2. In the Spirit;3. Under the influence of an evil spirit; idolatry. Acts 2:13; Jer. 51:7; Prov. 5:15-19; Ez. 23:33; Rev. 17:2; Duet. 32:42....
1. Additive personality;2. Witchcraft as a work of the flesh;3. Controlling;4. Imposing the will of one over another;5. Actual drug problem;6. Rebellion; 1 Sam. 15:23; Prov. 17:22;...
1. Overwhelmed by events;2. Beyond one’s depth;3. Catastrophe;4. Being in debt;5. Suffering;6. Temptation; dejection and mournfulness; to backslid; 1 Tim. 6:9; Is. 61:3; Rev. 12:...
1. Consume;2. Fellowship;3. Pleasures of life;4. Drunkenness;5. Partaking of the Spirit 1 Cor. 10:4, 21; 12:13; John 4:13-14; Prov. 5:15-19; Rev. 14:8- 10....
1. Cultural association/ Ungodliness (unclean);2. Man or woman of the flesh;3. Spiritually bound; Dan. 4:33; (2) Gen. 25:25....
See rooms and accessories....
1. Feeling low or negative; Jon. 2:3-6....
1. The bottom of the cup of God’s fury. Isa. 51:17, 22....
1. Instruction from God;2. Revelation of God3. Dream within a dream; Gen. 40:8; 20 3; 28:11-22; 37:5-10; Matt. 1:20; 27:13; 19; Judges 7:13-15....
1. Guarantee of what was promised; 2 Cor. 1:22; 5:5....
1. Revelation. 1. Matt. 16:17; James 1:17....
See Direction Metaphors....
1. Continuous2. Others falling;3. Sensitive balance;4. Inter-connectedness;5. Chain reaction (as with dominos, each causing the next one to fall; 1 Sam. 14:15-16, 20....
1. Childhood issues;2. Memories of the past;3. Preparation for motherhood;4. Childhood desire; Phil. 3:13; Ruth 4:16; Luke 2:49....
1. Confusion;2. Under the anointing;3. Warning of intoxication with drugs or alcohol; 2 Chron. 5:14; Jer. 23:9....
1. Separation in what you are nurturing (your actual calling for something else);2. Disagreement;3. Adultery;4. Actual divorce. Matt. 19:5-6; Matt. 19:8; Deut. 24:1....
1. Feeling unworthy;2. Fearful; Rev. 18:10, 15....
1. Tradition or ritual that leads to a trap; sin;2. Following the blind;3. Fleshly desires. Prov. 23:27; Matt. 15:14; Luke 6:39’...
1. Catastrophe;2. Judgment;3. Attack from satan;4. Trial as part of life. 2 Cor. 112:7-10; John 9:1-3; Luke 13:16; Job 2:7. Kings 5:25-27....
1. Something valuable and precious; gift of the Spirit;2. Stubbornness;3. Everlasting; radiant; majesty; Zec. 7:12; 17:8;Jer. 17:1...
1. Forsaken;2. Hopeless;3. Temptation;4. Supernatural provision. Jer. 17:6; 50:12, 39; Is. 21:1; 27:10; 33:9; 40 3; Ps. 107:4-5....
1. Eternal death;2. Perish; Acts 2:27....
1. Final;2. The end;3. Completion;4. A church without life. 1 Cor. 15:31....
1. Not paying attention; Mentally or physically enabled;2. Long-suffering. Matt. 11:5; Is. 29:18; Ps. 38:13; 58:4; 42:18, 19....
1. Unforgiving2. Offense taken;3. Sin; Luke 11:4....
1. Death to self;2. Not receive spiritual truth;3. Literal, physical death;4. Demonic deception if a dead person speak to you/soulties5. An aspect of one’s life laid down; Mark 8...
1. Truth; evil exposed;2. Present age;3. Eternity;4. A time for the prophetic;5. The return of the Lord;6. Believer’s. Dan. 7:9, 13; 12:11; Ps. 90:4; Rev. 2:10....
1. Developing spiritual vision. Matt. 10:36; 1 Cor. 4:5....
1. Shield of Faith;2. Dart board have numbers look at the number for the answer, negative and positive,3. Bullseye, (red) fierce anger; Eph. 6:16....
1. Piercing words;2. Need for the shield of faith; 2 Sam. 18:14; Prov. 7:23; Eph. 6:16....
1. Unfamiliarity;2. Deep grief;3. Turmoil;4. Spiritual or supernatural darkness;5. Eternal darkness;6. Hell;7. Death;8. Immorality; Eph. 5:11; Rom. 13:12; 1 John 2:8-11; Job 10:31,...
1. Renewing the mind; Rom. 12:2....
1. Cursed2. Hell;3. Unbelievers;4. Eternal loss;5. Judgment; Matt. 5:22; 10:38; Mark 16:16;...
1. Spiritual sacrifice;2. Joy;3. Rejoice;4. Idolatry;5. Prophesy;Ps. 30:11; 149:3; 1 Sam. 18:6, 7; Ex. 32:19; 2 Sam. 6:14, 16; Luke 15:21-25; Matt. 11:16-17; 14:6; Judges 11:34; La...
1. Restriction to the power and flow of God;2. Barrier; source of might. Josh. 3:16...
1. Escape,2. Refuge, an answer to a situation or problem;3. Acceleration of a project, plan or idea previously held in limbo given movement to go forward.4. It can also represent a...
1. Sin;2. Blood; Isa. 1:18....
1. New beginning;2. Blessing started;3. Nurturing;4. Baby;5. Pregnancy;...
1. Financial problem;2. Not trustworthy; Luke 14:28;Acts 19:15....
1. Christ;2. Chief;3. Foundation; Eph. 2:20....
1. Harvest increase and blessing; Is 28:28...
1. Cord- binding power. Stronghold;2. Bondage; Proverbs 5:22...
See people metaphors1. Scheming up something;2. Work of the flesh;3. Poison. Gen. 25:29-34;...
1. Church worshippers;2. The Kingdom; Ps. 22:22; 26:5; Prov. 21:16....
1. Danger;2. Inner battle. Eph. 6:12;Gal. 5:17....
1. Seeking God; Prov. 28:5....
1. Programmed;2. Way of thinking; Rom. 12:2....
1. Direction where you need to go; Ps. 48:1-2....
1. God’s Word;2. Law of God; Tradition; Ex 19:7....
1. Fashion;2. On the clouds; Rev 1:7;1Pet 3:3-4...
1. Fearful signs;2. Signs in the sky...
1. Pride;2. Dressing up for the occasion; Sam;14:25-26; 1Pet 3:3-4....
1. Away from God;2. Evil presence; Matt. 24:10, 12; Job 4:15....
1. Small amounts of Money;2. Provision;3. Poverty; Luke 21:1-4; Mark 12:42....
1. Death; Gen. 50:36....
1. Boundary; Gen. 1:9....
1. Heat moving nearer;2. Cleansing of sin (Isaiah said I am a sinful man put a coal of fire to my lips); Good or evil burning fire. (Is 47:14; Isaiah6:7....
1. Presence of God;2. Shower, and Storm;3. Holy Spirit;4. Provision5. God’s Protection; 1 Kings 8:11; 2 Chron. 5:14; Num. 11:256. Trial/trouble 1 Kings 18:44;Joel 2:10; Jer. 23:1...
1. Private Personal; prayer; secret sin (as in skeletons in the closet); something hidden; Matthew 6:6, Luke 8:17, Luke 12:2....
1. Time;2. Harvest3. Fullness of time; Rom. 13:11; (13) Ps. 105:17-19....
1. A strong desire; No respect of the next one Rev. 12:11....
1. Revelation and prophecy;2. Spiritual gift or a higher calling on your life3. Preparing for an encounter with Jesus;4. Progress you ministry; Joel 2:7, 9; Amos 9:2;...
1. Prophetic revelation2. Place of refuge in God; Exod. 33:22; 1 Kings 18:21....
1. Making clean/repentance2. Fasting; Matt. 6:17....
1. Moulded by the potter2. From the earth;3. Delicate; Rom. 9:20-21; Jer. 18:4-6....
1. Hostility;2. Stronghold; Ps. 116:3....
1. Storage; Prov. 5:15-20....
1. Entertainment;2. Performance; Acts 9:3....
1. Cutting the flesh2. Christian;3. Putting of the old man; Rom. 2:29; Deut. 10:16; 30:6....
1. Incomplete;2. Brokenness,3. Broken promises;4. Broken unity in your workplace, family, friendships or ministry Ps. 78:41, Deut. 33:27....
1. Stronghold;2. Defiling the body; Eph. 5:4; 4:29.CircleMay represent1. Unity,2. Going in circles,3. Changing.4. Eternally/eternity,5. Doubt, broken unity in your workplace, famil...
1. Hardened heart; Matt. 24:12....
1. Fear;2. Care of the world and deceitfulness of riches;3. Hindrance/ Stumbling,4. Gossip5. Lies Mark 9:17-18...
1. Worshipping; Ps. 66:4....
1. Alternative;2. Conclusion; 1 Kings 18:21; Josh. 24:15....
1. Think deeply about a subject; Josh. 1:8...
See Body parts Metaphors....
See Places/ buildings metaphors....
See People metaphors...
See Food Fruit ,Vegetables Trees metaphors....
1. To do with Finances; A blessing (receiving a check); Luke 16:13; Acts 8:20....
1. Threatened, What are you running from? Is it your marriage , Exams, trial?2. Need for prayer! Deut. 1:44; Lev. 26:7....
1. Breakthrough2. Victory; Zech. 10:7....
1. Bondage; Ps. 105:17-19;2. Warfare;3. Gold chain around neck can be Sign of wealth; Acts 20:32; Eph. 4:3...
1. Throw away;2. No substance;3. Separation of the goats; Job 21:18; Hos. 13:3; Zeph. 2:2...
1. Little money;2. Looking at the outward the widow with the mite;3. Stingy. Mark 12:42; Luke 12:58-59....
1. Being in God’s will;2. In plain view;3. In the presence of God Luke 2:46;...
1. Prayers of the saints. Rev. 8:3-5....
1. Witchcraft;2. Spell casting;3. Boiling; Gal. 5:19-20; Job 41:20; (5-6) Ezek. 11:3, 7....
1. Fortified city; stronghold;2. Safe refuge;3. Name of the Lord;Gen. 25:16; Acts 21:37; 23:10;...
1. Stepping out in faith.2. Prophesying;3. Prophetic ministry; Eccl. 11:1; Gen. 22:4-13....
1. Burden (of the Cross);2. Guilt;3. Sickness; 1. Matt. 10 38; Lev. 5:17; Num. 5:31....
1. Death;2. Ungodly;3. In the Flesh; 1 Cor. 3:1, 3; 2 Cor. 10:4....
1. God;2. Pastor/leader; Ps. 23:1;3. Concern for God, people; 1 Cor. 7:32-33;1 Pet. 5:7; Acts 20:38....
1. Concepts;2. Honesty (as in “putting all your cards on the table”);3. Truth;4. Gambling; Matt. 19:3; 22:17-18;...
1. Unclean;2. Dead to self; Lev. 5:2;...
See Transportation metaphors...
See Transportation metaphors...
1. Word play loose cannon; James 3:5-6 (2) Anger; Rom. 16:18; Col. 2:4; (4) Eccl. 8:4;...
1. Treat;2. Nice to the flesh, but lack nutrition; Prov. 16:24; Prov. 27:7...
1. Represents light-bearers, the true Church;2. The Holy Spirit;3. Revelation of God`s word;4. Church;5. Struggle; (personal experience) Ps. 119:105; Rev. 1:20; Prov. 24:20....
1. Sin within the body of Christ;2. Self-consuming words;3. Literal cancer4. Lack of faith(eats away faith in one’s heart);5. Fear; 2 Tim. 2:16-17; Matt. 14:30-31; 21:21....
1. Strength or Support; • Bread- The Word of God; Matteh in Hebrew, was used to walk, i. e. support life; therefore, figuratively it also meant “bread”; psalm 23:4...
1. Memories;2. Celebrity;3. Information (made public);4. Experience, knowledge; Mark 1:45; 5:20; 7:36; Matt. 26:13; Mark 14:9....
1. Still;2. Presence of God; Ps. 23:2; Mark 4:39....
1. God calling to ministry; 1Sam. 3:4-102. Hearing an unknown voice is possibly God calling you to deeper relationship;3. A Provoking, threatening, voice calling your name may repr...
1. The present and the future planning;2. Appointment;3. Date with destiny....
1. Logical method in the natural;2. Financial focus....
1. Planning something carefully and intentional;2. Logical method; Prov. 3:5-6....
See food, fruit and trees metaphors...
1. Bondage;-stronghold;2. Being treated like an animal;3. Being confined; Gen. 40:5; 2 Cor. 10:4-5; Jer. 37:15...
1. Seer2. Deliverance; -Cancelling of a generational curse; Num. 15:25-26; 1 Kings 8:38-39; 1 John 2:12;...
1. World system;2. Vanquisher;3. Tyrant; (Luke 2:1; 3:1; John 19:12, 15;4. Acts 12:1-2;...
1. Intimacy.2. Holiday3. Rest; 1 Chron. 28:2; Isa. 66:1;...
1. Unity;2. Bonding;3. Escape;3. Bondage; persecution;...
1. New venture;2. Identity. Acts 13:2-3....
1. Encounter with God;2. Gossip that have gotten out of control; Exodus 3:2; James 3:6....
1. God talking to you like Moses; Exod. 3:2;2. Hiding place;3. Developing believer;4. Person staying in bush would be humble person; Exod. 3:3; (3) Mark 12:26;...
1. Dying to the flesh; Rom. 6:232. Hiding; Gen. 35:4...
1. Hiding place. Ps. 104:18; Prov. 30:36....
1. Offense;2. Bringing up the past....
1. Word play burnt your finger e. g. betrayed or let down by another; 1 Pet. 2:5; Neh. 4:2 ....
1. Torment;2. What are you being consumed by; Isa. 10:17; Rev. 14:10....
1. Words against you;2. Piercing words;3. Wounds; Ps. 45:5; (3) Heb. 4:12; (4-5) Prov. 18:8;...
1. Close associate. John 15:15....
1. New life. Gen. 40:10....
1. Vessel of honour2. Insignificant;3. Human vessel;4. Fake person (plastic bucket) Isa. 40:15; Num. 24:7....
1. Childish; Foolish; 1 Cor. 13:11....
1. Angel; Ezek. 1:21;2. Fragile;3. Anger as in bubble burst; Ps. 80:12....
1. Place of sin;2. Lust issue. Rev. 17:3-4; Prov. 5:20-22;...
1. Cleaning house;2. Cleaning or Witchcraft; Luke 15:8; (3) Isa. 14:23....
1. The Word of God; 1 Kings 2:37;2. Resting place3. Place of trees; Deut. 8:7; Job 20:17....
1. Third place;2. Redemption;3. Durability Ex 27:1-2, Num 21:6, 8, 9; Num. 31:22....
1. Disappointment;2. Cutting words; Job 17:11; Ps. 38:8...
1. Business;2. Financial management;3. Business transaction;4. Teacher or teaching. Prov. 7:20; John 12:6...
1. The Cross;2. Support or Way;3. Faith;4. Trial (of faith); joined.(2 Sam. 18:9; John 1:51; 1 Pet. 3:18; (Gen 32:22....
1. Control the tongue; Ps. 32:9; 3; James 1:26; 3:2....
1. Bondage of the world2. Human-made altars;3. People Human-made stone (unacceptable to God); Gen. 11:3-4; (4) Gen. 9:1....
1. Spirit;2. Spiritual life;3. Offensive (bad breath);4. Unclean spirit (bad breath);5. God’s Spoken Word (rhema). Gen. 2:7; (3) Job 19:17;...
1. Judgment; Exod. 27:1-22. Word of God3. Without love;4. Third place;5. Fake/man`s traditions;Rev. 1:15; (2) Matt. 10:9; 1 Cor. 13:1; Mark; 12:42....
1. Restricted movement by your words;2. Bite/no power; Num. 22:38; Matt. 23:2-3....
See Clothing /Sexual Metaphors...
1. Container;2. Religious Tradition (as in “you can’t keep God in a box”); legalistic doctrine. ) Ps. 106:38; Phil. 3:13...
See House and Utilities Metaphors...
1. Words of a person; Ps. 11:22. Accusations;3. Slander;4. Gossip;5. Prayer;6. Deliverance (if in your hand). • Bow be the Tongue- Power.; Hab. 3:9; (2) 1 Sam. 20:30-22; (3) Ps. ...
1. Source of supply;2. Sustenance. Mark 2:22; Matt 9:17...
1. To be dead spiritual;2. By religion;3. By satan or people; Mark 5:3-4; Mark 6:17-20;...
1. Mindset; Col. 3:2;...
1. Bible;2. Lamb’s book of Life (Judgment);3. Knowledge;4. Words;5. Research6. Word of God;7. Meditate; Luke 4:17; (4) Luke 3:4; (5) Josh. 1:8;...
1. Destructive event;2. Surprise announcement;3. Words that burn (positive or negative);4. Issue that is not solved that will blow up in the future (time bomb);5. Explosive outburs...
1. Indispensable; wisdom; • Lock Washer- Unmovable; unyielding. Proverbs 4:7)....
1. Test;2. Anger;3. Plague; Job 2:7;Lev. 13:23....
1. Anger;2. Purification; Gen. 44:18; Num. 11:1; Jer. 20:9....
1. Uncleanness;2. Bad attitude;3. Filthiness of the flesh; Gen. 3:19 & Gen. 4:2-5; Ezek. 44:18....
1. Word play over my Death (dead body);2. The Body of Christ3. The temple of God;4. The flesh. Ps. 79:2; 1 Cor. 6:19...
1. Communing over business matters; 2 Sam....
1. Leadership;2. Religious council;3. Elders. Matt. 5:22; 10:17; 12:14...
1. Shame;2. Stress;3. Guilty. Gen. 39:19; Jer. 6:15....
1. Spirit;2. Aiding a fire; Isa. 40:7; John 3:8;...
1. Salvation2. Spiritual life renewed. 1 John 1:7; Lev. 17:11....
1. Opposing the Holy Spirit (high blood pressure);2. Missing spiritual intimacy (low blood pressure); Lev. 17:11) Isa. 40 30-31;...
1. Life is in the blood (of the flesh); Lev. 17:11;2. Blood Money;3. Covenant;4. Murder;5. Defiled;6. Unclean;7. Guilt. Ezek. 37:14; Lev. 17:11 See Bleeding....
1. Friction2. Friction affecting your work (hand blister) or walk (foot blister); Matt. 13:20-21; Matt. 5:10....
1. Word play are you blind, Spiritually blind;2. In the dark spiritually or spiritually ignorant;3. Without Understanding Luke 4:18; John 9:39;...
1. Wounding; Acts 22:202. Dying; Lev. 12:4;3. Purification; Lev. 17:11...
1. Double-minded;2. Religious; James 1:6-8; Matt. 23:5-7...
1. A person of a different race is generally interpreted as “Foreign.”1 Cor. 15:46....
1. Suffering prophet; 1 Kings 19;2. Abuse domestic, can be physical, emotional, or spiritual); Luke 22:63-643. Wounded heart. Ps. 109:22....
1. Word play addicted (as in bitten by the gambling bug; Prov. 23:2-3;2. Words; Ps. 52:4;3. Real bug;4. One bitten twice shy; Num. 21:5-6....
1. Born again;2. Celebration, John 3:3; Exod. 12:2-14...
1. Birthing a new ministry/church/venture;2. Beginning of something new; Jer. 31:8; Mic. 4:10;...
1. Seers vision;2. Prophet; Jer. 4:16;...
1. Casting lots; Mark 15:24;...
1. Humble; Isa. 60:142. No longer upright; Jer. 9:3;...
1. Change;2. Diversion from God’s path; Exod. 13:17-18...
1. Rest;2. Sport Team. 1 Sam. 4:13;...
1. Truth;2. The Word;3. Prophecy; 2 Sam. 18:11.4. Prophet mantle; Eph. 6:14;...
1. Warning;2. Attention Exod. 28:33-...
1. Prayer request;2. Desperate; Judg. 13:8; Jer. 42:2;...
1. Well favoured;2. Holy garments; Isa. 52:7; Rom. 10:15;...
1. Antichrist;2. Principalities and powers. Rev. 13:11; Eph. 6:12;...
1. Spiritual maturity;2. Holy as Aaron beard; Lev. 19:27; 21:5 • Shaved beard- Mourning; Humbled. • Unshaven Face- Spiritual neglect.; Lev. 21:5....
1. Superficial decoration; 1 Pet. 3:3; 1 Tim. 2:9....
1. Warning;2. Believer;3. Christ. Prov. 6:23; Isa. 8:20...
1. Warfare;2. Satanic Attack; Judg. 3:10; Eph. 6:10-12;...
1. Holy Spirit (power source);2. Power;3. Reserve power;4. Life.1. Luke 1:35; Acts 1:8; Rom. 15:13; (2) Acts 10 38; (3) Matt. 25:3-4; (4) 2 Cor....
1. Purification; Lev. 15:5;2. Doing the Word Lev. 15:5;3. Baptism (immersion in a bath). Eph. 5:26; Num. 19:9,...
1. First-fruits;2. Fruitfulness; Deut. 28:53. Provisions; Gen. 40:16-17; Amos 8:1-2....
1. Storage place;2. Vessel; 1 Kings 17:12,...
1. Closed2. Obstacle; Acts 16:73. Hindered4. Path blocked; 1 Thessalonians 2:18...
1. Outdoor preaching. Mark 6:12...
1. Bondage or stronghold;2. Boundary 2 Tim. 2:25-26; Rom. 7:2;...
See building metaphors...
1. Intimate sharing; Song. 2:4;2. Rich feast; Esther 5:4-63. Fleshly indulgence (alcohol parties). Job 41:6; 1 Pet. 4:3....
1. Emblem; Ps. 20:52. The protection of God; Esther 5:4-63. Monument Song. 6:4;4. Victory; Ps. 20:5...
See building and Places metaphors....
1. Young Christian; Isa. 60:312. China;Band music1. Worship; 1 Chron. 6:31-32;2. False worship;3. Praise; 1 Sam. 18:6;...
1. Celebration; Luke 15:23-242. In the Spirit;3. Filled with the Holy Spirit;4. Childlike faith; Prov. 1:23; John 6:63....
1. Graceful;2. Love; John 1:14b; 2 Cor. 13:14....
1. Shame or humiliation; Isa. 22:122. Judgment;3. Mourning;4. Being uncovered and exposed. Jer. 47:5 If you are a woman and you dream of being bald, this would be negative because ...
1. Weighed / Judgment;2. Business; Dan. 5:27; Rev. 6:5....
See food, trees and fruit Metaphors chapter....
1. Scheming something; (the baker in Joseph) Gen 40:16-18;2. Hospitality,3. To bake bread, means to prepare and make it ready for eating. Raw dough would indicate a ministry or a p...
1. Temptation;2. Trap; 1 Cor. 10:13;...
1. Provision; Job 14:172. Money;3. Treasure;4. Business;5. Carrying your burdens Isa. 46:6...
See food, trees and fruit Metaphors chapter....
See direction Metaphors chapter.1. Also see Front Yard and Garden....
See direction metaphors chapter...
1. Behind the scenes;2. Giving Christ the glory. 1Pet. 3:4...
1. Carrying baggage; Job 14:172. Burden; Matt. 11:29-30...
1. Rubbing of the anointing;2. Impartation. Isa. 9:4; Isa. 10:37....
1. Children`s church. 1 Tim. 1:3...
1. Place of captivity; Rev. 14:8;2. Place of fornication;3. The world system and false church; Rev. 18:10;...
1. Repentance; Matt. 3:10-11;2. Judgment;3. The Word of God;4. Preaching; Math3:10;5. Exhorting. Dan. 4:14....
1. Piercing;2. Earmark Exod. 21:1-6....
1. Watchful;2. Salvation; Isa. 52:1....
1. Discernment; Eph. 5:142. Attentive to wiles of the devil; Rom. 13:11-14;3. Watchman; sober; 1 Thess. 4:6...
1. Stronghold Ps. 91...
1. Writer;2. God. Heb. 12:2....
1. Being assessed; Acts 5:8;2. Judgment;3. Need to put your affairs in order. Heb. 4:13;...
1. Covering;2. Make compensation; Lev. 4:26....
1. Judgment day;2. Sudden destruction. Zech. 14:12;...
1. + Message from Heaven; Christ’s return Rev. 8:102. – Judgment; Matt. 24:29....
1. Dying spiritually; Job 33:4;2. Grasping for air need of the Holy Spirit....
1. Your partner; Heb. 1:142. The Holy Spirit; Gen. 2:18...
1. Spirit of death; Ps. 10:8,2. False informant; 1 Kings 21:10...
1. Having no quality Gen. 18:27;2. Repentance and sorrow; Job 13:12...
1. Climbing spiritually; Gen. 12:102. New position/authority; Ps. 24:3...
1. Inflamed within Eccl. 7:26;2. Bitterness/unforgiveness; Jer. 4:183. Bondage; Matt. 22:13....
1. Prophetic ministry;2. Creative anointing; 2 Kings 2:3....
1. Stabbing words; Ps. 38:2;2. Evil words Prov. 25:18;3. Judgment; Job 6:4...
1. Promised Land (arriving in vehicle) Josh. 1:11....
1. Spiritual warfare; (Eph. 6:12; 2) Actual army; 2 Kings 6:16-17....
1. Divine protection; Eph 6:10-18....
1. The throne of God; Isa. 30:152. Lazy - armchair expert; Prov. 26:16....
1. Strength Isa. 40:102. God; Jer. 32:17-183. Deliverer;4. Helper;5. Reaching;6. God’s judgment (broken arm). Dan. 6:14-16...
1. Throne; Exod. 25:102. Presence of God; 2 Sam. 6:11-12;3. ChristJosh. 3:13,...
1. Serving; John 13:4....
1. Christ; Heb. 3:1;2. Church-planter;3. Miracle-worker; Acts 5:12;....
1. Man’s covering. Isa 63:1-3; Rev 19:7-8...
1. Past inherited from our forefathers (good or evil;) Job 12:12;2. Memories.3. Valuable; Jeremiah 6:16a...
1. Senses;2. Prophetic gifting. Jer. 29:19; Zech. 7:12....
1. No anointing-fat; Prov. 28:25....
1. To be set apart; Acts 10 382. Consecration; Exod. 28:413. Spiritual Coronation;4. Divine appointment; 1 Sam. 15:15. Holy Spirit; Acts 10 38...
1. Messenger of God; Dan. 10:112. Guardian; Ps. 91:11;3. Servants of God;4. Spirits good or bad; Ps. 104:4....
1. Long ago; Judg. 5:21;2. Wisdom; Ps 119:100....
1. Jesus Christ; Heb. 6:19-202. Hope;3. Slow down;Acts 27:29...
1. Voice of God; Num. 12:6....
1. Eagle; Isa. 40 31;2. Babylon; Rev. 17:5....
1. Sudden demonic attack; John 13:27;2. Going down wrong thought pathways can lead to the enemy ambushing your thought life.2 Cor. 10 3-5....
1. A place with God; Gen. 12:7....
1. Speaks of the works of the enemy, of deception- Unbelievers; Eph. 2:122. Fallen angels or familiar spirits; Gen. 6:2;3. Christians;4. Outcast person; 1 Kings 22:22....
1. Intoxicant2. False anointing; Eph. 5:18...
1. Warning;2. Warning of judgment Amos 3:6; (Rev. 9:2-3....
1. Anointing of the Holy Spirit. Isa. 61:1-3....
1. Holy Spirit;2. Full Gospel ministry. Acts 2:2. • Faulty air-conditioner- Hindering the Holy Spirit....
1. Past; Phil. 3:132. Following;3. Later; John 13:36....
1. Sharing your spouse with work, church, or a hobby. Also see Adultery. Hos. 2:5....
1. Holy Spirit;2. Jesus Christ;3. Representation; John 14:16; ) Heb. 7:25, 9:24....
1. The Holy Spirit. John 14:26....
1. Satan; 1 Pet. 5:8;2. Human opposition; Matt. 5:25;3. Demon spirits;4. Religious leaders;5. Self (the flesh);6. The world.Phil. 1:28....
1. Spiritual adultery;2. Actual adultery;3. Sexual sin;4. Idolatry;5. Pornography. Gal 5:19-21; James 4:4; Ez. 23:45....
1. Cutting or corrosive words;2. Bitter;3. Revenge (as in carrying an offense). Ps. 64:3; Prov. 25:18;...
1. Speaks of an attempt to kill the promise (Pharaoh `s spirit);2. Actual abortion. Exod. 1:16; Matt. 2:16; Rev. 12:4....
Represents1. Bondage,2. Persecution or a3. Separation in the family. (1-3) Gal 5,1...
1. Being a baby in a dream or child left alone or abandoned represents a feeling of and Neglected in the natural. May also represents difficult childhood Memories. Psalm 27:10 Luke...
1. Holy Spirit ministry. The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spir...
1. Speaks of confrontation in ministries;2. Real crash....
1. Family or small church ministry;2. Business outlook;...
1. Change of mind;2. Disobedience;3. Going back on your promise;And if he sins against you seven times in a day, and seven time in a day returns to you, saying, ‘I repent,’ you...
1. Church not serious / immature;...
1. Lack direction for God’s destiny....
1. Unceasing work or business;2. Large Church; And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers (Acts 2:42)...
1. Followers;2. Family;...
1. Waiting on God;2. Guidance;3. Danger...
1. Powerful;2. Strength (parallels the ox as a strong servant);3. Farmer sowing seed in the ground;4. Plough the ground...
1. Five-fold ministry gift;2. Strong ministry helping others;...
1. People going from church to church;...
1. Indicates Spiritual condition. 1 Tim. 1:19-20; • Flat- Will indicate without the Holy Spirit; ) Exod. 18:18 • Big tyres- Will indicate a powerful ministry • Small tyres- W...
1. Decision;2. Choice between God and the world....
1. Helping a broken ministry...
1. Along for the ride;2. Without strength;3. Being brought into line....
1. Fastened being prepared for a problem;2. Unfastened being careless;3. Lack of prayer; 1 Pet. 5:8....
1. Represent need of repair and healing to start again....
1. Underground church;2. Church in the Spirit;...
1. On hold;2. Your own way and not God’s way; Isa. 49:2...
1. Accelerating ministry or business....
1. In the Spirit;2. Armour of God. Eph. 6:11-18....
1. Speaks of the Rapture;2. Heavenly encounter. 2 Kings 2:11....
1. Speaks of pleasure cruise;2. End time ministry,3. Local church ministry Look at the ships also; though they are so great and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a ver...
1. Ministry totally dependent on the wind of the Spirit....
1. Self-effort or doing things in your own strength;2. Opposing the Holy Spirit; Then He saw them straining at rowing, for the wind was against them. Now about the fourth watch of ...
1. Self-effort;2. Going backward;3. Old or limited thinking;4. Not changing or adapting....
1. Religious person;...
1. Building a road for others;2. Preparing3. Going through a difficult time...
1. Restoration;2. Prophetic ministry; Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest...
1. Warning;2. Sin stopping destiny;3. Inspection;4. Delay;5. Alternative route required;6. Go back from where you came;7. Heart or artery issue; Now when they had gone through Phry...
1. Adultery. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6...
1. Jesus Christ;2. The path of life (faith);3. What lies ahead for you;4. The path of the righteous;5. Peace;6. Decision....
1. Waiting for release into ministry;2. Coming and going;3. Place of exchange; And He has made My mouth like a sharp sword; In the shadow of His hand He has hidden Me, And made Me ...
1. Particular job or ministry path; Exod. 18:20b2. Means of passage for powerful ministry;3. The plans and purposes of God. Ps. 143:10...
1. The rear boot of the car, speaks of hidden things sin or surprises....
1. Warning to look behind you; (2)Past ) Gen. 9:23...
1. Ministry doing the works of men;2. Earnest prayer ministry....
1. Powerful ministry; deep into the heavens and Spirit; great speed (1-2) Gen. 41:14; (3) As in, “taking off like a rocket. ”...
1. No direction;2. Aimless in the flesh....
1. Deliveries,2. Special kind of ministry,3. Fast,4. Can go where other ministries can’t go; Independent;1Cor. 3:4-5; • Helmet- Salvation; 1 Cor. 12:15-16, 21....
1. Power;2. Holy Spirit;3. Human-made power;4. The human spirit;5. Heart. Luke 1:17....
1. High profile. Song. 3:9-10....
1. Thrill-seeker. Acts 8:18-19....
1. Represent a revelation ministry;2. Spiritual warfare Eph. 6:10-11....
1. Can be words that keep you ducking for cover;2. May also speak of uplifting words. 1 Cor. 14:3....
1. Speaks of Spiritual warfare ministry2. Christ or a ministry of salvation (rescue);3. Vertical lift;4. Fast ascension;5. In danger of pride (Speedy ascension...
1. Ministry in the Spirit; John 3:8.2. Waiting on God. But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with Isa. 40 31...
1. Deliverance ministry;2. Removing sin;3. Corrupt business; When evening had come, they brought to Him many who were demon-possessed. And He cast out the spirits with a word, and ...
1. A ministry that does not have to stay on the road;2. Powerful ministry,3. Preaching the full gospel,...
1. Heart; Prov. 4:23....
1. Path of humbling, God path.2. Doing your own thing;3. Off of God’s highway;...
1. Powerful itinerant ministry. Luke 1:80....
1. Represents emotional, spiritual and physical balance....
1. Burden;2. Burden lifting or lifted;3. Made easy;...
1. If the top is down, then everything revealed; open; nothing hidden; a self-righteous or unsaved person (as in ‘living in the fast lane;’) not submitted to authority; pride; ...
1. Baggage. Prov. 14:14;...
1. Heart of the ministry; Acts 13:22;2. The inside of the car determines what type of ministry. i. e. if the interior is worn out, it means the ministry is old, needing renewal. Ep...
1. Warning;2. Ministry or Job threat, mistake, or catastrophe; Acts 15:36-40;3. Potential clash of ministries;4. Confrontation or conflict;5. An attack on the destiny of a ministry...
1. Exposed ministry;2. Going nowhere. 1 Sam. 4:13....
1. Going nowhere;2. Church; Acts 14:28; (3) Ministry rest;Exod. 14:15; (4) no destiny; Num. 26:65....
1. (Depending on the top position in the dream;) if top up the emphasis is on the covering of the auto owner or driver’s life (i. e. spirit, attitude, covenant, etc. ); if the to...
1. Sickness; spirit of poverty; demonic attack; hindrances to one’s life, ministry, career, livelihood, etc. )...
1. Heart; Baggage; Deut. 9:5....
1. Heart of the ministry; The type of interior determines what type of ministry. i. e. if the interior is worn out, it means the ministry is old, needing renewal...
1. Church or personal ministry;2. Your walk of life; • If you are in the backseat of the car- Then it indicates that you are putting yourself down and are allowing others to take...
Alcohol can have a significant impact on sleep and sleeping patterns. Under the influence of alcohol, the quantity of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep decreases and Stage 4 sleep inc...
Adaptive theory speculates that species-wide sleep patterns developed as a way of adapting to the environment. Grazing animals, for example, sleep relatively few hours a day in sho...
A dream can be about a current situation, a persistent past concern, an emerging future issue—or a combination of these. For example, a dream may deal with anxiety regarding a ne...
Carl Jung believed that the unconscious could be revealed through dreams, premonitions, or synchronistic experiences. These revelations often offer insights into an individual's li...