An authority figure or mediator in your life.
A desire for fairness or an impartial opinion.
Someone whose opinions you listen to, especially in terms of making decisions or settling arguments.
Someone or something by whose decisions you must abide (your supervisor, a judge, etc.) See also: Judge, Decision, Someone Else’s, Authority Figure, Rule or Law
[1]This image refers to fairness in contact and dealings with the world and the Self.
The image points to the inner, psychic authority of the Self that judges you as well as others. It suggests you take on a more neutral and detached attitude toward life. Observe your own “games” a little more closely.
[2]A referee as a character in your dreams may point to some problem that needs mediation. He may ask you to follow the rules of the game in any of your social interactions. His appearance may be a response to your own intervention in the arguments of others.
[3]Encountering a referee in a dream may suggest an inner battle between one’s ideals and the ego requirements imposed by what others value.
The dreamer may need help defining the rules needed to settle this conflict.
[4]To see (or be) a referee in your dream, signifies an inner battle between your own ideals and values, and those of others.
[5]A referee may symbolize the ego arbitrating between the rival claims of opposed psychic forces: for example, id and super-ego.
[6]One who tries to settle a dispute, officially or unofficially
[7]Symbolic of Christ, a person of authority, or a mediator
[8]lucky numbers: 06-20-21-23-24-29
being a: have power to change position in life.
of sports: are too egocentric to have a happy healthy home.
court, a: battle between own ideas and values, and those imposed by the community.
ignoring the: wil receive an injustice; whom must you bypass to counter it?
protesting the, call: who wants to strike you out?