The primary purpose of a refrigerator is to keep a small amount of space at a cold enough temperature so that anything organic that is placed in it will stay fresher longer. Cold is symbolic of less passion and anger, so one element of this object as a symbol relates to wanting to keep something around for more time by lightening up on how much intensity you allow it to express.
The preservation of things that you desire is what is being expressed by the refrigerator in your dream, so pay particular attention to both what is inside of it and the state that the machine itself is in. Both of these will add clues to your interpretation.
[1]Dreams of a refrigerator symbolize plenty, abundance and preservation. Consider the contents of the refrigerator for a more precise understanding of this dream. This dream could be reflecting that you are maintaining friendships and alliances that are supportive to your growth and well-being. Or this dream may reflect that you have a chilly disposition, displaying cool and aloof feelings because you feel the real or perceived need to protect yourself. Perhaps this dream is giving you the message that a relationship is cooling off.
[2]See Also: Larder
1- The refrigerator is a symbol of preservation. In dreams this becomes self preservation and suggests we may be turning cold emotionallv or sexually.
To dream of rotten food in a refrigerator suggests we feel we may not be being sustained properly by those around us.
2- To dream of refrigerating leftover food indicates we are storing up resentment. This, in turn, will ‘cool down’ our own responses to love and affection.
3- Religious austerity can be pictured as a refrigerator.
[3]A refrigerator can represent a nurturing of the spirit as well as sustenance for the body. Opening the refrigerator door and standing there looking in and seeing the refrigerator amply supplied, without having to partake from it, many times reassures a person that what he or she seeks is really there for the taking.
[4]As an outstanding symbol in a dream, a refrigerator may represent frigidity or fear of sexual intimacy. Going to a refrigerator that is empty may point to feeling unnurtured in your relationship. Your partner may be too cold.
[5]Psychological / emotional perspective: To dream of refrigerating leftover food indicates we are storing up resentment. This, in turn, will ‘cool down’ our own responses to love and affection.
[6]To see a refrigerator in your dreams, portends that your selfishness will offend and injure some one who endeavors to gain an honest livelihood.
To put ice in one, brings the dreamer into disfavor.
[7]1. Heart;
2. Cold person,
3. Attitude; thoughts; Stored food Memories stored in the heart
4. Spoiled food Harbouring a grudge; Rev. 3:15; Matt. 12:35; Mark 7:21-22.
[8]Hiding place for physical drives; repression and isolation. What do you want to preserve? Or are you expressing here a need for “staying cool” or for “clarity”?
[9]As a preserver of basic sustenance, a refrigerator will symbolize the asceticism or dispassion which is developed by some seekers of spirituality.
[10]1. Emotional distance, usually for protective reasons (as in “put it on ice”).
2. A search for elusive goals.
3. Preservation.
[11]Putting food in predicts continued (or increasing) prosperity; taking food out is a forecast of unexpected guests.
[12]Putting your feelings on ice; emotional coldness. Lack of affection, warmth.
[13]See Also: House, Accessories
[14]lucky numbers: 04-25-33-40-49-50
emptying a: the dinner guest won’t leave, starve him out.
loading up the: wil fil your home with a gay social life.
of a: wil injure a friendship with your selfishness.
opening a: emotional frigidity wil cause you to be discourteous.
full: wil have the mental nourishment to sustain your goals.
taking ice from a: project wil be delayed through your selfish injury.