A member of your real family (whether or not the dream relative looks like one of your actual relatives).
Someone who feels like family to you.
Someone whom you (subconsciously) associate with a family member or a certain family role (such as a father representing your boss who’s a great fatherly role model).
Someone whom you interact with regularly (such as a coworker).
See Also: Mother, Father, Son, Daughter, Gr, parent, Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, Person You Know, Person Unknown
[1]Usually points to sides of the dreamer himself, such as well-known characteristics and qualities. When a relative is rejected in the dream, a side of yourself is also rejected. According to Freud, sexual organs.
[2]Aspects of self are represented by qualities or characteristics you identify with particular individual; rarely actually represents the person, but is almost always you.
[3]1. Domestic affairs, sometimes negative.
2. News, possibly negative, is in the offing.
3. Help, security and safety, usually with financial matters.
[4]Either literal or a substitute of relative character; research the name
[5]See Also: Family.