Someone returning (to you, to a place, etc.) can represent a real or imagined: Reunion.
Returning to the past, or situation similar to a past one.
Restoring, recreating, or revisiting something from the past.
Resuming a process that’s been interrupted.
A feeling of missing someone or something, or of wanting them back.
The idea of going home again or of feeling the security of “home.” Revisiting a place can represent: a desire for familiar surroundings, a need or desire to repeat a past activity (perhaps due to unfinished business).
Returning an item you’ve purchased can represent: dissatisfaction, rejection, judgment, criticism, or the feeling of “not good enough”, getting rid of things (such as relationships or beliefs) that you feel don’t work for you.
Returning an item someone gave you can represent an ending, a refusal, or discontinuing a commitment.
See Also: Backward, Repeating, Rejoining, Reuniting, Joining Together, Finances, Visiting
[1]lucky numbers: 01-02-10-12-28-31
friends, to their home: have received a blessing that you have not acknowledged.
from a trip: great prosperity when your considerable talents and qualities are put to use.
of: unexpected joy when jealousy and bitterness, however justified, are lifted.
others, after a long time: losses soon to be made good.
prison: your patience and perseverance are on the verge of extremism.
relatives, from a trip: jealousy within the family over your emotional relationship.
sweetheart, home: he has been untrue to you.
war: are overconfident that your battles are over.