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Revenge Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 13 Unique Sources About Revenge

revenge image

A feeling or fear of being wronged or “taken from” somehow.

A perception that someone has broken a real or imagined rule.

Blaming your feelings of anger, resentment, or hurt on someone else rather than taking responsibility for your own feelings.

An opportunity to release a judgment or grudge from the past that’s still weighing you down.

Self-righteousness, or getting caught up in judging someone else as “wrong” or “bad.” See also: Enemy, Blaming, Justice, Rule or Law, Violence, Crime, Debt, Feeling


To dream that you are taking revenge, symbolizes your bitter heart, which will lead to a loss of friends and cause you more problems unless you change your attitude.

To dream that others take revenge on you, warns that there are enemies in your midst and you and have reason to be cautious about trusting others.


1. Previously unknown jealousies, bitterness or hurt feel­ings need to be addressed (to take revenge on someone).

2. Use caution with the feelings of others, reassess behavior toward others (to have revenge taken on the dreamer).


To dream of taking revenge, is a sign of a weak and uncharitable nature, which if not properly governed, will bring you troubles and loss of friends.

If others revenge themselves on you, there will be much to fear from enemies.


A dream of taking revenge for a wrong done you ts a forerunner of the loss of a valued friend If you dream of someone else taking revenge on you, it is a presage of a legacy from someone who is not a relative.


Chagrin and personal problems arising from your lack of sympathy with any viewpoint except your own are indicated in a dream of revenge.

Remember that you must give consideration if you expect to get it.


If you dream of seeking revenge you are processing through your anger and feelings of victimhood. Your dream is showing you that what you do to another, you do to yourself.

See Also: Karma, Venting Dreams.


Depth Psychology: You find yourself in a very difficult situation and blame others, which is usually a mistake. You are thinking of revenge, hoping to get off the hook. Not a good plan!


To dream of taking revenge prognosticates a bed of sickness for the dreamer (Raphael).


Anxious times, humiliation, and a quarrel, but the latter will soon be made up.


Revealed to avert, for vengeance belongs to god


To dream that you are revenging yourself on some one for having suffered in your person or your property by such a one, is an indication that you will be speedily visited by a season of affliction.


lucky numbers: 01-03-10-17-24-25

against family: solve the smal arguments immediately.

enemies: a rival wil take your sweetheart’s affection.

friends: use talents to enrich your mind, not pleasure to destroy your morality.

man, a: humiliating and heartless act on your part.

relatives: quarrels wil cause you to lose many a good al y.

woman, a: are considered to be very vulgar.

seeking: anxious times leading to bitter disappointments.


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A to Z Dream Interpretation