(1) A room may represent the self, or some aspect of yourself.
(2) It may be a symbol of the womb. Freud tells of a dream in which a girl (the dreamer) entered a room six or eight times and every time saw her father sitting there. Freud saw the dream as expressing the girl’s fantasy of having seen her father come into her mother’s womb while the girl was still a foetus.
(3) If the room is a cellar or basement, it may symbolize vour unconscious.
If it is a room at or near the top of a high building, it may represent consciousness; idealism; loftv aspirations. (But of course an upstairs room may nevertheless symbolize libido, instinctive life and desires: for example, if it is a bedroom where sexual activity is taking place.)
(4) A suite of rooms may express a male dreamer’s polvgamous sexual desires. This docs not mean he is polygamous in real life. On the contrary, he might well be shocked bv the dream. What such a dream exemplifies is the way the unconscious compensates or balances the conscious self: a polygamous person might have monogamous dreams!
[1]If a strange room was the main feature of your dream, the meaning depends on the action and other elements in the dream, but as a general guide: To enter a strange room is a warning that a casual affair could turn out to be very dangerous to you if you aren’t careful.
To find yourself in a strange room that is elegant and well-furnished signifies sudden success.
A strange room that is empty or badly furnished could suggest legal or financial troubles.
If the room was very tiny, it symbolizes a lucky last-minute escape from a bad mistake.
To see a dark, eerie or confining room suggests that that you feel trapped or repressed in a situation.
To see a very brightly lit room means you will solve a problem by learning to look at it in a new way.
It is a sign that you should trust your instincts.
To dream that you find a secret or hidden room suggests that you are developing new strengths and taking on new roles. You may be growing emotionally.
[2]The room is a symbol of individuality, of personal thought. Each type represents the aspects of our mind and being. The living room is the conscious; the basement or root cellar, the unconscious; the upstairs bedrooms, the spiritual aspirations of the dreamer. It’s meaning depends on the state in which you find the room.
If it has windows, it symbolizes the possibility of communication with the exterior. On the contrary, a closed room without windows can symbolize virginity or lack of communication. In oneiric terms, there are also established equivalencies between the room and the physical body, so you must analyze the environment in the room.
A pleasant room augurs well-being and serenity; if it lacks openness, it reflects isolation, fears, and insecurity. (See Also: HOUSE)
There are many superstitions regarding this. According to one of them, dreaming of your own room means you will visit far away lands.
[3]A particular feeling state—for instance the room might feel sinister, warm, spacious, cold, etc., so depicts such. Sometimes a room, because of its spaciousness, represents the amount of potential or opportunity one has.
The ‘containing’ quality of a room may also depict involvement in one’s mother. Finding extra rooms: a common dream theme—recognition or discovery of previously unnoticed aspects, abilities, fears, or traits in oneself. Example: There was a room in my house I had never been in before. It was filled with water and had three kittens submerged in it. While in the room I didn’t need to breathe’ (Audrey P).
The room here represents Audrey’s childbearing function—her womb.
The room can therefore depict mother or qualities of mothering.
See Also: descriptions of various rooms under house in this entry.
[4]A room in a house or building can represent: A certain aspect of your life you associate with that room (such as a family room representing your family life).
A type of activity (such as a kitchen representing nourishment of body, emotions, mind, or spirit).
A setting, time frame, or characteristic (such as a bedroom representing nighttime, a playroom representing recreation, etc.).
The setting for an event that represents a specific real-life event or feeling that happened in that kind of room (such as an attic that represents the time you rediscovered a childhood toy in your attic).
Also consider what comes to mind when you think of the type of room.
See Also: Space, Door or Entrance, House, Building, Floor
[5]If a strange room was the main feature of your dream, the meaning depends on the action and other elements which should be correlated, but as a general guide: to enter a strange room is a warning that a casual affair could turn out to be an incubus if you aren’t careful; to find yourself in a strange room signifies sudden success if it was reasonably well-furnished, legal troubles if it was empty or only partly furnished.
If the room was a very small one, it indicates a lucky last-minute escape from a regrettable mistake.
See Also: Furniture, Colors, etc.
[6]To dream that you are in a room relates to a particular aspect of your personality or relationship with people. Dreams about different rooms may correlate to subconscious thoughts, desires, and facets of your identity.
To dream that you find or discover new rooms signifies new vitality, growing emotional maturity, and capability in meeting new challenges.
To see a comfortable room signifies wealth and satisfaction in real life.
To notice a dark, scary, or small room connotes feelings of being penned up, trapped, or repressed. *See Bathroom or Kitchen
[7]Dreams of rooms have a wide variety of meanings. An appealing and comfortable room may indicate that the dreamer is enjoying opulence and satisfaction in life.
A stark and confining room, like a prison cell, may mean the dreamer feels repressed and trapped. Sometimes rooms are simply stages for the dream and harken back to earlier periods of life, for example, childhood or a previous marriage.
Dreams about rooms often relate to hidden areas of the unconscious mind.
[8]Vision: Looking at a room: something in your life is going to change.
If it is a room that you live in: you might be moving soon.
If the room is empty: to improve your lifestyle, you have to work for it.
See Also: House.
Depth Psychology: The room is part of your house—your personality. It’s important what you did in the room and what the room looked like.
[9]Dreams of a room represent support for a particular function; a womb to cradle, nurture or hold a space for your development. Consider the room that you dream of and its particular feeling tone and energy.
See Also: Kitchen, Bedroom, Bathroom, Living Room, Dining Room, Hallway, Study.
[10]To be locked in a room indicates fear to the dreamer.
The room sometimes can be used as a symbol of a woman, so in turn the analyst must study the dream carefully.
[11]To dream of rooms filled with good things symbolizes a person with knowledge, Prov. 24:4.
A dirty room symbolizes a person’s lifestyle, Matt. 12:44
[12]1. Part of the subconscious, parts of self.
2. Discovery of family secrets.
3. Woman.
[13]According to the colors, whether large or small, type furniture, etc.; Research accordingly
[14]The room of your soul, the dreamers inner space. According to Freud, points to woman.
[15]See Also: house, buildings, root See tree.
[16]Aspect of self.
See Also: House.
[17]See Also: Buildings
[18]lucky numbers: 04-05-06-12-14-23
apartment, in an: be on the lookout for treachery.
bath, a: your overpossessiveness is annoying the family.
being in own: your good humor wil not ease slow suffocation.
of someone you love: wil be cheated by friends who lure you into il health.
boardinghouse, in a: bad business ventures absorb al of your living costs.
children’s: privacy and comfort are your greatest aims.
dark, a: a wealth of images reenergizes emotional progress.
decorating own: losses in business affairs bring unexpected guests.
empty, an: have to earn to appreciate whatever you own.
entering a: certainty of good earnings and pleasant company.
home, at: emotional poverty looms over you.
hotel, a: suggestions put forth are not what they seem.
mortuary, at a: a danger of immediate death.
newly painted, a: wil be deceived, if you trifle with lover’s affections.
office, an: wil have bad dealings with creditors; consolidate your debts.
prison, a: feel repressed, confined and trapped in your present situation.
waiting, a: are pacing the floor with uncertainty when you just need to open the door.
[19](See Also: Chamber)