The roots of a tree represent your unconscious mind, as well as your childhood and your past, the ’roots’ from which you have grown.
If the roots in your dream appear strong, this suggests that the past is still heavily influencing your present. It could also suggest that your past was stable and supportive. If, on the other hand, the tree in your dream was a young one, the message may be that you are in the process of putting down your roots or establishing yourself in the waking world. A dream in which the roots are in the sky suggests wisdom and insight. Spreading roots would indicate an ability to relate well to others, whereas deep roots would suggest a more self-contained attitude. An uprooted tree symbolizes a feeling of being uprooted in waking or spiritual life. Are you losing your hold on the ground? Roots symbolize home, family and stability. Are any of these things changing in your waking or spiritual life?
[1]A foundation or anchor (such as a set of beliefs or a person you can count on).
A beginning or basis for something (such the motivation behind a social movement).
A precursor or point of origin (as in a person’s “roots” or background).
A reason behind something (as in the “root cause” or the “root of the problem”).
A sense of security, stability, or consistency (as in “to put down roots”).
Strength (or perhaps hidden strengths, since roots are underground).
Something that lies hidden or outside of your (or others’) awareness.
A means of obtaining physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual nourishment.
See Also: Underground, Ground, Root Vegetable, Plant, Tree, Flower Bulb
[2]A symbol of a righteous person, Prov. 12:3.
A root can also be the cause of something.
If the root has fruit it symbolizes a good person.
If the root is dry it symbolizes evil, Hosea 9:16, A root is also symbolic of being firmly planted, Jer. 12:2
[3]Dreams of a root represent your connection to your physical reality, body, family, culture and tribal customs. You’re tapping your core, the heart of the matter.
If you dream of your root chakras then this dream is showing you that you are supported.
[4]See Also: Food Fruit trees Vegetables metaphors.
1. The origin of something Ungodly behaviour;
2. Bitterness;
3. Love of money;
4. Low self-esteem;
5. Forgiveness;
6. Rebellion; 1 Tim. 6:10; Ps. 80:9; 1 Tim. 6:10; 2; Jer. 12:2; Judges 5:14.
[5]Whether the roots involved were those of plants, trees, or flowers, the dream is telling you that you must assert yourself more actively if you want to prevent an aggressive rival from getting the benefit of your efforts.
See Also: Teeth.
[6]Support system, connection, into deeper levels of self; foundation. Deep roots mean standing firm midst the changes and elements of living. Feeler for support, nurturing. Root of the problem.
[7]The foundation that gives spiritual nourishment, i.E. Jesus christ is the root of a christian; see “foundation”
[8]To dream of eating them denotes mental disorder (Gypsy). See Also: tradition of Nebuchadnezzar.
[9]1. Foundation;
2. Ancestry; Isa. 53:2.
[10]See Also: Tree