You will discover some useful information if you dreamed of a sachet, unless it was empty, in which case it is a warning against extravagance.
See Also: Purse, Sack, Suitcase, Trunk, Pouch, Pocket, Bag
[1]Please wait, your dream is being interpreted...
You will discover some useful information if you dreamed of a sachet, unless it was empty, in which case it is a warning against extravagance.
See Also: Purse, Sack, Suitcase, Trunk, Pouch, Pocket, Bag
[1]lucky numbers: 03-04-20-24-25-26bottle of, empty: your love affair is on the rocks; no aroma of pleasure can save it. full: wil enjoy much frivolity if you al ow yourself to. break...
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