(1) Docs the dream show what you are seeking? It may be the meaning of life or the key to your destiny; success, in work or sex; or love.
If you are young, it is more likely to be material success and prosperity than the meaning of life; the reverse may apply if you are over thirty-five. What all age-groups are likely to be in quest of is love; but the kind of love may differ: for some it will be casual sexual encounters; for others, romantic ‘true love’; for others, mystical union with all things.
(2) Does the dream indicate whether your search is good? Perhaps it is telling you that you are chasing a will-o’-the-wisp; that you are not putting first things first; or that it is time for you to transfer your energies to some other pursuit. Ultimately, those spiritual teachers may be right who say we already possess all that is worth having, and only need to realize that we possess it; and that even the love we all want (as distinct from what we think we want) is a capacity for loving that occupies the centre of every being. However, in each individual life everything has its own season.
[1]The meaning of a search dream must be de- termined by reference to the purpose and object of the action; however, to dream of searching for an unknown purpose or thing is your subconscious re-minding your conscience that you are wasting your time in meaningless activity and/or relationships.
[2]Searching for something in a dream often indicates the need to find something that is missing or needed in one’s life. Finding it may mean the dreamer will recover something important.
[3]1. Something missing in one’s life.
2. Seeking a solution to problems.
3. Need for new knowledge or relationships.
[5](See Also: Piercing a hole, Pursuit, Tunnel)