(1) A seed may symbolize potential for personal growth. Sowing seed means making new growth possible.
(2) A seed may be a symbol of your true self, which is not to be confused with the ego. In fact there may be some internal dialogue in
your psyche between the true self (T) and the ego (‘me’), in which, despite ‘me’s’ stubborn independence or rebelliousness, T offers love and comfort and healing. (In Hindu mythology the seed is a symbol of Atman, the ultimate T of every act. In Judaism, Christianity and Islam - God is a Thou’. In mystical traditions, however, God is the one and only T, and full consciousness of the T - the opposite of egoistic selfcentredness - is said to bring freedom from fears and true independence.)
[1]1- A seed in dreams stands for our potentiality. We may have an idea which is only just beginning, or a project which needs nurturing. In a woman’s dream a seed may suggest pregnancy.
2- Often in dreams a seed will suggest the validity of something we arc planning. We need to know the right conditions in which to grow and mature.
3- A seed carries great potential and latent power.
It is this symbolism which is relevant spiritually.
[2]The seed represents reproduction of life— human, animal, or plant. Everything from the knowledge we import (“plant a seed in their memory”) to the money we use to finance business ventures (seed money) germinates metaphorically from a “seed.” A seed may indicate an idea has been planted in the dreamer’s mind and is germinating into new life experiences.
[3]Seeds symbolize new opportunities and new beginnings. Just as a seed is the beginning of a new life (or its earliest stage), your unconscious may be telling you that the ideas you have planted are beginning to germinate. Additionally, your past experiences and hard work may be leading to new opportunities or possibilities.
[4]An idea.
A beginning or early stage of a process.
Potential to become something greater.
Something or someone whom you feel will thrive if they receive nurturing.
The essence or essential aspect of something.
See Also: Flower Bulb, Fruit, Sprout, Plant, Planting, Garden, Food
[5]Seeds reflect the potential of a new beginning or growth.
If you scatter seed on barren earth, you may be wasting your energy on something. Seeds can represent sperm or the ovum, although botanically, pollen is the equivalent of sperm.
[6]1. The Word of God;
2. Christ;
3. Descendants;
4. Multiplication; Luke 8:11; 1 Pet. 1:23; Gen. 1:11-12; 3:15; 13:15; Matt. 13:38; Luke 6:45; 17:6.
[7]Dreams of seeds signify thoughts, ideas, beliefs, plans, goals, and visions. Also seeds can represent sperm, pregnancy, and fertility.
See Also: Semen.
[8]New beginning, potential.
If you are casting or planting seeds you are building for future abundance. As you sow, you reap.
[9]1. There is an idea that one should pay careful attention to.
2. Spreading or planting ideas.
3. Human sperm or egg.
[10]Sperm or ovum, new idea arising out of past experience; a suggestion; a new possibility or potential.
[11]To dream of seed, foretells increasing prosperity, though present indications appear unfavorable.
[12]To sow seed in a dream augurs the foundation of future wealth, joy, and health (Gypsy).
[13]Psychic energy, creativity, and productivity.
See Also: Rain.
[14]Seeds symbolize new opportunities and new beginnings.
[15]Words and deeds; see “planting”
[16]See Also: grain