Dreams of a shoe or a pair of shoes signify your position or place in life, your status, and -perception or life circumstances.
If you dream of removing your shoes, then you are attempting to be more grounded or you are leaving an old role behind.
If you dream of wearing someone else’s shoes, then you are having compassion for them, and learning what it would feel like to walk a mile in their shoes. Consider the type of shoes and the feeling tone of this dream.
[1]First consider if you are currently having problems with your feet that are being carried over into the dream state. Otherwise, we only wear shoes that fit us well. Thus, you may be expressing unconscious feelings of self assurance or confidence. You may have issues concerning your self-identify, but if the details of this dream are supporting, you may be reassuring yourself that you are on the right path and have mastered a degree of self awareness.
[2]Your ability to move forward easily as you achieve or make progress in the world (as shoes can facilitate easier walking).
Your ability to protect yourself or maintain your integrity (as shoes protect your feet and ability to stand up).
The image you present to others.
[3]Being grounded and protected against the powers of the earth. It also points to the place where the dreamer is standing.
According to Freud: putting on a shoe symbolizes a sexual act. Compare this to River.
[4]To dream of shoes may mirror an old cliché, “if the shoe fits, wear it,” and may indicate that the dreamer is coming to grips with accepting who and what they are in their expression in the world.
[5]Grounding. Things which protect you on your journey through life. Do not judge another until you have walked in his or her shoes. Wearing too many shoes, filling too many roles.
See Also: Foot.
[6](See Also: Foot/ Feet)
The shoe or slipper, says Freud, is a symbol of the female genitals.
[7]See Also: Clothes
[8]Sometimes one shoe symbolises his partner or brother.
If this is seen as torn or cracked while he walks in the other it means he will separate from his partner, brother or sister.