Peace of mind and prosperity is the message contained in a dream of healthy shrubs, but if they were withered or dead, it is a warning of difficulties in your personal relations due to inconsiderate behavior.
[1]-Love and happiness are augured by this dream (Gypsy).
[2]See Also: Bush.
[3]lucky numbers: 04-17-28-30-40-53
boughs, several evergreen: work hard for your true and steady friend.
boxwood hedge, a: the solution may be a leap, but you wil solve a vexing problem.
cutting down: danger through a secret exposed and inflicted upon your privacy.
green leaves, full of: news brings great joy in your home.
hedge clipping: wil overcome any obstacle your unruly partner presents to you.
crawling through a: wil be ostracized by a social y prominent couple.
hiding behind: imminent danger from exposure of depressing love affairs.
others: speedy recovery from opposition in love to a bright future.
seeing someone purposefully: beware of gossips.
holly, giving: nostalgic memories of Christmas and hearth.
picking: beware of vexations that taunt you into depression.
wreaths of: luck material y and social y wil continual y renew itself.
juniper, of: someone wil speak evil about you and it wil be exposed in your favor.
berries, cooking with: be warned against associating with loose immoral characters.
laburnum, of a: someone wil attempt to poison your vigorous mind.
lavender, of: take the unsavory actions of others with a grain of salt.
leafless, brittle or bare: your plan’s failure cannot be reversed.
pushing through: wil have a change for the better.
tangled undergrowth: are nervous about a threat of a secret affair.
whacking way through the bushes: disadvantages eventual y wil prove for the best.
[4](See Also: Buckthorn)