Universal Landscape: Tools for nurturing. Social grace with meeting needs.
Dreaming Lens: Were you using the silverware to eat or preparing to do so? Was the silverware clean or dirty? Did the set match? Was the use of the silverware connected to food or something unrelated to usual use? Was someone being taught to use it properly?
Personal Focus: Silverware and its use is a symbol of civilization and sophistication. Food is what sustains us and represents nurturing and self-care. By using an implement to connect to our food, we add yet one more separation between ourselves and animals. The meaning attached to silverware must combine the primal instinct to eat for survival with the restraint of social acceptance and grace. Parents struggle to get their children to use silverware for both these reasons; so that they will be able to feed themselves and simultaneously fit in with society. The more sophisticated the circle one travels in, the more silverware there is to contend with. This illuminates the symbolic association of silverware to civilization and cultural hierarchy.
Using silverware in a dream connects to your sense of propriety and conformity. Needing utensils to eat might reflect an unwillingness to get down and dirty when meeting your own needs. Being told you must use silverware when your hands will do just fine might indicate an area of your life that your more primitive approach is not suitable for the arena in which you are operating. Not knowing what piece of silverware to use may symbolize a fear of not being prepared in a social setting. How you feel about your lack of knowledge is important to consider. Hiding your ignorance may indicate a need to conform, whereas feeling intimidated might show areas where you are shut down from lack of information. Aversion toward what is considered proper might symbolize an area where rebellion may need to be explored.
[1]Silverware is a symbol of civilization and sophistication. Food is what sustains us and represents nurturing and self-care. By using an implement to connect to our food, we add yet one more separation between ourselves and animals.
The meaning attached to silverware must combine the primal instinct to eat for survival with the restraint of social acceptance and grace. Parents struggle to get their children to use silverware for both these reasons, so that they will be able to feed themselves and simultaneously fit in with society.
The more sophisticated the circle one travels in, the more silverware there is to contend with. This illuminates the symbolic association of silverware to civilization and cultural hierarchy. Using silverware in a dream connects to your sense of propriety and conformity.
[2]The means by which you support, nourish, or nurture yourself (physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually).
Your ability to access and use your environment (nourishment, relationships, situations, resources, information, etc.) wisely in a way that supports and nurtures you.
A fork might represent selecting or acquiring specific things you want or like, or experiences that nourish you on some level.
A spoon can represent gathering up things (activities, practices, inspiration, etc.) that nourish you.
A serving spoon or ladle might represent serving or nourishing yourself or others.
[3]Dreaming of pretty silverware that is well conserved denotes good familial relations and feelings; while if it is dirty or broken, it indicates a period of conflict. || Buying silverware shows the desire to grow your circle of friends; cleaning it signifies catching up with old friends; breaking it, the expression of your feelings toward someone who has done you harm. For a woman, dreaming of silverware is a sign of a happy marriage.
[4]A dream about silverware indicates discontent.