The essence of skydiving is the adrenaline rush associated with the risk of falling to the earth.
If you are skydiving in the dream, you may be looking to increase your sense of excitement in your life.
The power of this thrill is the relinquishing of control as you descend. In this way, the symbol of skydiving may indicate a need to let go of something you are attempting to control.
[1]Skydiving may signify taking a leap of faith where you have to free-fall for a while and trust that you will have a gentle landing. Falling out of a plane without a parachute may mention that you are about to have a crash landing because of your lofty ideas or too-high ideals.
Dreaming of skydiving may also tell you to get back on the ground quickly and be more realistic.
[2]A pleasurable dream of skydiving - floating down gently in a parachute - signifies that you have protection and security during a time in which turmoil surrounds you.
If you dream that your parachute doesn’t open, or if you are scared in the dream, this represents your feeling that you’ve been deserted by someone who was supposed to stand by you.
[3]A feeling or fear of taking a risk.
Facing or conquering a fear.
Accepting or succeeding at a challenge.
Beginning a process.
“Jumping into” an activity or process with full commitment.
[4]Symbolic of free-fall in life.
If you have a parachute it symbolizes a safe landing.
If your chute will not open it symbolizes putting your hopes in something that will not help you
[5]To dream that you are skydiving represents your great principals and morals. Perhaps you should lower your morals slightly and set more practical and sensible ambitions.
[6]1. Willing to take a risk.
2. High ideals.