1- The spear litis many meanings. It represents the masculine in dreams and is phallic.
It is the life-giving force.
To sec a warrior with a spear is to recognise the aggressive male.
To put a spear in the ground is to mark one’s territory.
If we are throwing a spear we perhaps need to be aware of our more primitive aspects.
2- The spear is psychologically that part of ourselves which is fertile and assertive. Whether in a man’s or a woman’s dream, it allows us to be conscious of the need to cut out nonsense and get straight to the point.
3- Spiritually, the spear signifies directness and honour.
[1]According to Freud, phallic symbol. Aggression, being focused, and having success. Elias Howe in the middle of the last century had a very important dream about spears. He was captured by natives who pressured him to invent a sewing machine.
The tip of the spears they brandished in front of his face had holes. This dream gave him the idea for the double-stitch sewing machine.
Symbolically speaking, this dream refers to the feminine and masculine side of the dreamer, presented here by the image of the needle or the specialized spear.
[2]Psychological / emotional perspective: The spear is psychologically that part of ourselves that is fertile and assertive.
To see a warrior with a spear is to recognize the aggressive male.
To put a spear in the ground is to mark one’s territory.
If we are throwing a spear we perhaps need to be aware of our more assertive tendencies.
[3]To dream that you are throwing a spear symbolizes that you are thrusting forth your will and power into a situation at hand.
It is a statement of your strength and commitment.
If you dream of someone else having a spear, you are feeling threatened in some situation.
[4]Gives gender-specific: A spear represents the masculine in dreams and is a phallic symbol. Whether it appears in a man’s or a woman’s dream, it allows us to be conscious of the need to cut out nonsense and get straight to the point.
[5]Material aspects: The spear has many meanings from a mundane perspective. It can represent the cut and thrust of business life or the wit of social interchange. In its more negative sense it can suggest sarcasm and bloody-mindedness.
[6]Depth Psychology: The dream is a symbol of your tendency, when angry, to hurt other people. But it may also indicate that you need to defend yourself vigorously against unjust criticism.
[7]indicative of 9 sides: strength, victory, travel, Guardianship, woman, child, matter & incapability, leadership in proportion to his raising / uplifting.
[8]Throwing a spear in a dream represents thrusting one’s will and power into the world and is thus a statement of strength and commitment.
[9]A symbol of God’s weaponry against His enemies, Ps. 35:3.
A spear tip can also be symbolic of the point of attack
[10]1. Penetrating words;
2. Praise. Satan’s spear;
3. Spiritual warfare; Ephesians 6:18; Ps. 57:4; John 19:34.
[11]Spiritually, the spear signifies directness and honour. It has the power of life and death.
[12]It foretells the success of your business if you dream of carrying a spear of any kind.
[13]A good sign of worldly successes and renown to come soon.
[14]A spear may be a sexual symbol, representing the penis.
[15]See “arrow”
[17]if other weapons are seen together with a spear it symbolises power and superiority and that his instructions will be carried out.
If no other weapons are seen with a spear then provided the spear has a point, a son or brother will be born in his home. And if it has no point then provided he is familiar with such a spear, only daughters will be born in his home. Seeing any excellence or defect in such a spear represents a similar excellence or defect in him.
[18]lucky numbers: 01-07-08-16-19-37
of a: you avenge being hurt by hurting other people.
grasping a: are the symbolic aggressor rather than the harmful one.
lance: others wil incite a battle, your strength of wil wil commit to it.
stabbing a, fish: wil receive an inheritance, to your great dissatisfaction
spearman: a rapid succession of major obstacles.
using a, to catch fish: concentrate your powerful mind against the distractions.