It is a place of passage symbolizing the many choices we have in life.
It is related to travel and existential projects.
If it is a railway station, the straightness of the rails take you directly to the fulfillment of your purposes. A station is also a public place, so it may be stating your social role.
If it is empty and you walk without knowing where to go it reflects your lack of determination regarding a decision you have to make soon. (See Also: BUS, AVENUE, PLANE, BOAT, CROSSROADS)
This dream is considered lucky if you run into someone you know at the station. This shows that you will receive support in your endeavours, exerting a beneficial influence on you. In addition, this dream can mean future news.
[1]A train, bus, or other travel station can represent: A past or imagined trip.
The beginning or end of a process, phase, or journey in your life (or a point in the middle of one of those).
A milestone in your life.
A real-life public place.
A group or process you participated in with other people.
For more clues, consider the events at the station and how you felt about them.
See Also: Airport, Train, Traveling
[2]Dreams of a train station signify that you need a rest, that it is time to stop and refuel, recharge, reconnect, reorganize, and reassess your game plan before heading out toward your next destination.
[3]A stop and possibly transition point on the journey of life. Here you may change destinations, or begin a new trip. Resting place for clarity, determining goals.
[4]If you dream of being in a train or subway station, this foretells an unexpected delay or obstacle to your plans.
[5]See Also: departures in journey, train in transport
[6]See Also: railway.
[7]See Also: Journey
[8]In a dream, attaining a station means receiving an irrevocable award, as compared to reaching a state which denotes a transitory passage and a condition which is subject to constant changes.