An event or series of events in your life, as portrayed by your subconscious mind.
A lesson, moral, or some other kind of insight.
A wish or desire (such as an adventurous tale pointing to a wish for more adventure in your life).
Your imagination or creativity at work.
See Also: Book, Text, Writing, Communication, Lying, Lied To, Being, Main Floor
[1]To dream of writing a story foretells a season of sadness. But to dream of reading or listening to a story is a sign of happy times to come.
[2]lucky numbers: 03-08-22-37-42-49
hearing a: wil have much hard work ahead.
from a friend: wil be amazed at the similarity to your thoughts.
performer: are doomed for disappointment as an appointment is suddenly cancel ed.
reading a: wishes wil not be realized through unjust criticism being taken for fact.
selling a, to a magazine: beware of being seduced by disorder; be precise.
telling a: your efforts must build upon each other to a climax.
writing a: arguments within the family over who first acknowledged your bril iance.
[3](See Also: Storyteller)