Universal Landscape: Life force; life itself. Consciousness.
Dreaming Lens: Was the Sun rising, setting, or mid-sky? Was it the Sun as we know it in our solar system? Was it closer than normal? Further away? Was the heat of the Sun oppressive or dangerous, or was it warm and comforting? Did you experience it from the vantage point of Earth or space? Were you traveling toward it or perhaps even into it? Was the Sun being eclipsed in your dream? Was solar energy the focus of the dream?
Personal Focus: The Sun is the source of almost all life on Earth. There was probably no prehistoric civilization that didn’t worship the Sun as a god or supreme being. Though modern science has demystified the Sun somewhat by expanding our understanding of what it is made of, its awe-inspiring nature is just as magnificent today as it must have been for early humankind.
As the focal point of the system that we call home, it is the symbolic center of life itself. Not only do we literally revolve around it in space, we also have created our lives to revolve around our relationship with it. The power contained within the Sun is so enormous, it is almost unfathomable. From the impact of the seasons to the rhythm of day and night, the Sun truly embodies human consciousness. The condition and position of the Sun in your dreams, as well as your proximity to it, are crucial to an accurate interpretation. If you dream of comfortably basking in its embracing warmth, it could indicate a sense of contentment with life. If you experience the harmful and dangerous effects of too much Sun in your dream, you might want to consider paying more attention to some of the more powerful forces in your life. In the same way that a sunburn can sneak up and surprise the unwitting sunbather, forces of power left unchecked can do damage that go unnoticed until the damage is done.
A sunrise may point to new beginnings just as a sunset may indicate an ending of some sort. If your dream Sun is blocked by clouds, you may want to consider where in your life your personal power is being limited or held back. To dream of tapping into the technology of solar power may allow you to recognize that every human being has a birthright to an endless supply of abundance and limitless life force. If your dream finds you in fantastical close proximity to the Sun, such as flying through space toward it or even through the Sun itself, you could be dreaming of connecting with a new surge of personal power. However, be warned: To whom much is given, much will be required.
[1]The sun is at the center of the solar system, and is a source of creation, light and insight. Its predominance as illuminator and life giver is reflected in dreamlore in which it is regarded as a good omen. The sun suggests creative energy and penetrating insight or intelligence. It is also a symbol of inner power and fiery, masculine energy. From the sun comes light, that which draws us into life. The sun represents your identity or self, and relates to your will, consciousness, creativity, and father and authority figures in general. It reflects how you can shine in your life.
If sunlight features in your dream, this suggests positive feelings.
If you are sunbathing, this suggests that you are allowing positive energies to enhance your life. The daily solar cycle is paralleled by the stages of human life with dawn or sunrise being a symbol of realization, as in ’it dawned on me’; the rising sun represents increasing vitality; the midday sun, your life’s work or the height of your energy; and sunset, old age or the latent period prior to a new birth. An eclipse of the sun suggests negative emotions clouding your judgment.
If clouds obscure the sun, this foretells of unexpected obstacles placed in your path. A dream journey to the sun could suggest a search for intellectual enlightenment but it may also symbolize your desire to be infused with optimism and energy in waking life.
If you were badly scorched by the sun, your dreaming mind may have been warning you that you are in danger of intellectual burnout.
[2]Symbol: The sun is the symbol of prophecy, revelation, and infinity. As the source of light, it gives warmth and makes things visible.
Vision: The sun is probably the most enduring dream symbol of human beings.
It is a symbol of vitality, strength, and optimism. Seeing a sunrise: your future is filled with promises. Seeing a sunset: a certain matter needs to be brought to its conclusion; or you can look forward to a quiet, happy old age. Reflection, peacefulness, and contemplation will enrich you on your journey through life.
A “golden” sun is a promise of happiness and good fortune.
A red sun means conflicts ahead.
The sun shining through a window: your happiness resides within your own four walls.
The sun hiding behind clouds: emotional upset and sorrow.
Depth Psychology: The sun is the brightest and most powerful dream symbol and often points to outside influences that affect your life.
It is a promise of happiness, success, and joy.
A sunset might indicate a serious impending crisis, or that a phase in your life is coming to an end.
See Also: Light.
An eclipse of the sun means you feel temporarily depleted (you are either uncertain or just tired).
[3](See Also: C, le, Gold, Fire, Health, Red, Torch)
The masculine nature. Many ancient gods were affiliated with, or represented as, the sun, including Apollo in Greece and Ra in Egypt (See Also: Icons, Men).
Noontime: A fullness of conscious awareness or rationality. You can trust that your current course of reasoning is “right on” (See Also: Time).
Sunrise or sunset: Beginnings or endings, respectively. Each stage of the sun equates to phases in our own life, situations, or relationships, sunrise heing birth, and sunset representing death.
Increasing physical energy or mental activity.
An omen of good fortune. Many cultures regarded the sun’s presence at special occasions as a sign of divine favor and blessings.
The egoic, conscious, intelligent aspect of your mind, versus the intuitive, feeling portion, which is lunar (See Also: Moon).
Sunburn: Getting figuratively “burned” by a man, or feeling resentment toward men in general. Alternatively, too much use of the logical mind causes neglect of the instinct, leading to fiery times.
[4]The sun symbolizes the conscious activity and rational governing of your life. The observation of your path invites you to consider the distinct cyclical phases of your existence. So, dreaming of a rising sun reflects the start of a stage of happiness and prosperity; if it gives off a lot of light and heat, it presages economic abundance; but, if it is hidden or not bright, it foretells losses; if it is dark between the clouds, it is a sign of sadness and unexpected problems; lastly, a sunset announces the end of a period.
The first god of the human species was the sun. It was able to end the darkness and the dangers of the night.
If has always been considered a blessing. In the Tarot, the sun card represents happiness and exuberance. In general, every dream tradition says the same thing: this dream foretells the arrival of happy times.
[5]See Also: Planets
1- The sun in dreams suggests warmth and conscious awareness.
A sunny day suggests happiness.
To be drawn to the sun indicates we arc looking for enlightenment. In turning towards the sun, the sunflower could be said to be a symbol of obsession, but also of worship. With its many seeds it also represents fertility
2- Because the sun is such a powerful image on its own as a life source, it can also appear in dreams as a symbol for other life energy.
If dreaming of a sun dance the dreamer mav be wishing to praise the sun for its all- encompassing power and energy, fhe dreamer is, in cffect, using the energy of the sun for guidance and vitality.
3- The sun can symbolise spiritual enlightenment and radiance.
The dreamer can ‘soak up’ and use the sun’s power for further spiritual development.
[6]The sun sustains all life on Earth. When you see it in your dreams, it suggests that you are being nurtured and sustained by your environment and your life choices. It could also represent a spiritual force or the light of God. Sunrise may indicate new beginnings and a new wave of energy while sunsets suggest a period of closure and completion. Sunlight in your dreams is never a negative symbol. Light always symbolizes or indicates consciousness and may connote masculine energy. Its presence, even in the most disturbing dreams, has reassuring quality. Old dream interpretation books say that sun shining on you is an omen of good fortune and good will. “It is the classical symbol for the unity and divinity of the self; source of life and the ultimate wholeness of man” C.G. Jung
[7]interpreted with the two crossings upon 8 sides: Caliph & authority, leader, great scholar, justice, vow & wife, bright matter / affair. Whoever sees that the sun is rising over his two feet without his body, it is [interpreted as] wealth [he is granted] from the earth’s plants of either wheat or dates which he prepares by his feet, and he expands it.
It is halal unless he exhausts himself in it just as Adam (pbuh) had exhausted himself. Whoever sees as if the sun darkened, dropped or blackened [then] adversity will happen in the world from a scholar’s death or a just authority or supporting affliction or someone of his fatherly side dies thus he crosses over depending on the dreamer’s situation / condition.
[8]1 he sun symbolizes the source of light in our solar system. As all the planets rotate around it, the sun demonstrates the source of light within you. Considered to have masculine qualities, it may come to represent reason, logic, and the strength of the will put into action. As the sun god Ra, the sun brings with it the mystical knowledge of ancient Egypt whose temples prepared the initiate for eternal life.
A rising sun may represent a new beginning or a new lease on life.
A setting sun represents the end of an important chapter in your life. In a dream, the sun’s arrival may predict a powerful new man in a woman’s life or the rising of her own masculine qualities.
[9]To dream of seeing a clear, shining sunrise, foretells joyous events and prosperity, which give delightful promises.
To see the sun at noontide, denotes the maturity of ambitions and signals unbounded satisfaction.
To see the sunset, is prognostic of joys and wealth passing their zenith, and warns you to care for your interests with renewed vigilance.
A sun shining through clouds, denotes that troubles and difficulties are losing hold on you, and prosperity is nearing you.
If the sun appears weird, or in an eclipse, there will be stormy and dangerous times, but these will eventually pass, leaving your business and domestic affairs in better forms than before.
[10]An astrological symbol depending very much on the circumstances and other symbols in the dream.
The Sun is the giver of life, and therefore dreaming of a bright Sun high in the sky is an omen that you will soon be able to live the kind of life you want.
See “Sky”.
A Sun obscured by clouds implies that your current prospects are uncertain right now, and you may need to reevaluate your situation and make some adjustments.
The rising Sun represents beginnings and the setting Sun endings. Whether the beginnings or endings are positive depends on the circumstances (especially the weather) and the other symbols in the dream.
[11]Warmth; vitality; conscious awareness; the self or source of one s life energy. Sunlight: being aware; warmth; positive feelings in body and mind; health. Sunbathing: allowing the flow of inner energies to give pleasure. Sunrise: realisation; a new start, childhood; hope and energy to grow. M idday: maturity; middle life; time to be working at one s life. Sunset: old age; death; return to latent period prior to a new binh.
See Also: time; rebirth under archetypes.
[12]Life or existence.
Someone or something you consider a critical source of physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual support.
A higher power.
Illumination or insight.
Daytime (as a setting for the dream events).
A perceived or imagined source of danger, stress, or other mental or emotional “heat.” See also: Light (Illumination), Time of Day, Sunny, Suntan, Sunburn, Space, Outer
[13]Dreaming of the sun suggests that you are being nurtured and sustained by your environment and your life choices. It could also represent a spiritual force.
Dreaming of sunrise may indicate new beginnings and new energy.
Dreaming of sunsets suggest a period of closure and completion. Traditionally, dreaming of the sun shining on you is an omen of good fortune and good will.
[14](1) The sun may be a symbol of the self (i.e. your true and total self), or of the conscious ego.
(2) It may symbolize intelligence, as distinct from intuition.
(3) It may be a father symbol, representing either your actual father or your father experienced as an authority figure, telling you what you ought and ought not to do, or silently judging you.
[15]Psychological / emotional perspective: The sun in dreams suggests warmth and conscious awareness.
If dreaming of a native american sun dance, or any such worship, we may be wishing to acknowledge the sun for its all-encompassing power and energy. We are using the energy of the sun for guidance and vitality.
[16]To dream of standing in warm sunlight is very lucky and means you will enjoy good health and strong friendships.
A red sun predicts a struggle from which you will emerge victorious.
To dream of seeing two suns shining in the sky, predicts an unusual and fortunate event on your horizon.
[17]The sun can symbolize spiritual enlightenment and radiance.
The dreamer can ‘soak up’ and use the sun’s power for further spiritual development. Because the sun is such a powerful image on its own as a life source, it can also appear in dreams as a symbol for other life energy.
[18]Material aspects: A sunny day suggests happiness.
To be drawn to the sun indicates we are looking for enlightenment. In turning towards the sun, the sunflower could be said to be a symbol of obsession, but also of worship. With its many seeds it also represents fertility.
[19]See Also: Summer. Creative energy.
If the sun is shining in your dream, it always refers to consciousness.
If the sun does not shine, you are either approaching the unconscious or a loss of energy.
The sun is also a symbol of the father, midlife, the danger of being dazzled.
[20]The sun shining upon the dreamer indicates good fortune or goodwill.
The sun is also energy, especially the life energy that gives one health and makes crops grow. Alternatively, excessive sunlight dries up and kills, as symbolized by animal skulls in the desert.
[21]Gives gender-specific: There was an ancient belief that the sun was masculine and the moon feminine.
The image of the sun and the moon appearing together in a dream follows that belief and suggests integration of masculine and feminine energies.
[22]The sun is a reference to someone’s father or Jesus.
A bright shining sun is symbolic of God’s goodness and fullness of life.
A dark red, raging, or darkened sun is emblematic of the apocalypse.
The sun can also symbolize endurance, Ps. 89:36
[23]To dream of the sun indicates that you will experience positive influences and temporarily not be confronted with hardships or obstacles. Your spirit is in a state of peace and serenity.
It is considered a positive sign to see the sun shining.
[24]To see the sun is a dream of success; the sun rising denotes good news; a setting sun is bad, while for the sun to be overcast augurs troubles and changes (Gypsy). The invariable symbol of light and wisdom.
[25]The sun is the source of almost all life on Earth.
The power contained within the sun is so enormous, it is almost unfathomable. To dream about the sun is to connect to this level of power within you.
[26]Christ, God within. Light of God, eye of truth. Power, energy, clarity, knowledge. That which brings forth life, nurtures and sustains. The light of your being.
See Also: Planet.
[27]A dream about a sunrise predicts happy times.
A sunset warns that it is time to protect all assets.
The sun peeking through the clouds foretells a return of prosperity.
[28]1. Connected to moon and stars;
2. God;
3. Represent an individual;
4. The god of this world; rising of the people of God; Mal. 4:2; Matt. 13:43; 17:2; Gen. 32:31.
[29]Dreams of the sun signify that you are connecting with your inner light, essence, and charisma. You are coming into a new level of radiance, spirituality and power.
[30]If you see the sun while flying, this could suggest that your worries will melt away.
[31]Success in money matters and in love.
See Also: COMET.
[32]See Also: Direction, Seasons metaphors.
[33]To dream vou see the sun shine, shows acquisition of riches, and enjovment of honorable posts in the State; also success to the lover. To dream vou see the sun rise, promises fidelity in your sweetheart, and good news from friends : to dream you •see the sun set, shows infidelitv in your sweetheart, and disgraceful news; to the tradesman, loss of business. To dream you see the sun under a cloud, foretells many hardships and troubles about to befall you, and that you will encounter some great danger.
[34](King, The Fourth heaven, Planet) In a dream, the sun represents a great king, the vice-regent, a father, a prince, a commander, gold, or a beautiful woman. Ifonesees himself turned into a sun in a dream, it means that he may receive a dominion that will stretch as far as the radiance one sees in his dream.
If one sees himself holding the sun in a dream, it means that he will gain strength and wealth that will come about through someone in the government.
If one receives the sun hanging as a necklace in a dream, it means that he will win a seat in the senate.
If he goes near the sun or sits inside it in a dream, it means that he will acquire power, wealth and support. Should he qualify, the stretch of his power will extend between the two horizons he sees in his dream, or it may mean that he will acquire a knowledge coupled with fame. Ifone sees that he owns the sun in a dream, it means that his words will be respected and listened to by someone in authority. Ifsomeone in authority sees the sun looking clear and brilliant in the dream, it means that his authority will grow, or that he will assist someone in leadership. Otherwise, it means that he will live happily and acquire lawful wealth. Ifa woman sees such a dream, it means that she will enjoy her marriage and receive what pleases her from her husband.
If the sun rises inside one’s house in a dream, it means that he will receive an important political appointment, or that he should be careful about his association with someone in authority, or it may mean marriage.
If the sun rises inside one’s house and lights the entire house in the dream, it means that he will receive honor, dignity, rank and fame.
If a woman sees the sun rising inside her house in a dream, it means that she will marry a wealthy person, and that her horizon will expand.
The radiance of the sun in a dream means reverence, might andjustice of the ruler of that land. If’one sees the sun talking to him in a dream, it means that he will be honored and commended by the governor.
If one sees the sun or the moon talking to him, and ifhe then strolls away with them in the dream, it represents his death.
If one sees the sun rising from an unusual direction in a dream, it represents a beneficial knowledge he will acquire. Ifthe sun shines over one’s head and not the rest of his body in a dream, it means that he will receive a prominent responsibility.
If its rays rise to shine over his feet and not the rest of his body in the dream, it means a farming project that brings him prosperity and lawful earnings. Ifthe sun discretely shines over one’s belly and without people’s noticing it in the dream, it means that he will be struck with leprosy.
If it shines over his chest and not the balance of his body in the dream, it means a sickness. Ifa woman sees that the sun has embraced her from her neck down in a dream, it means that she will marry a person in authority and for one night only. Should such a person divorce her the next morning, it means that she may become a prostitute.
If the sun rises from one’s open belly in a dream, it means his death.
If one sees the sun setting and himself walking behind it, it also means death.
If one sees himself walking behind the sun in a dream, it means that he will be captured and imprisoned.
If one sees the sun turned into an old man in a dream, it means that the governor will become a pious and God-fearing person. Otherwise, if the sun turns into a young man in the dream, it represents his weakness. Ifone sees blazes of fire straying away from the sun in a dream, it means the impeachment of some members of the governor’s cabinet or someone from his counsel. Ifone sees the sun turned red in a dream, it means corruption.
If it turns yellow in the dream, it means an illness.
If it turns black in the dream, it means losses. Ifone seeks the sun after it sets in a dream, it means that whatever is destined for him whether it be good or bad has passed.
If one sees the sun rising at times different than its usual sun rising time in a dream, it means that an uprising against the government will take place in different parts of the country.
If one sees himself with the sun in a dream and should he be working in the government, or the army, it means that he will betray his superior, or the ruler of that land. Otherwise, it means that his condition will deteriorate and life will turn against him.
If the sun has no rays in the dream, it means that the governor or the general of the army will 420 lose respect.
If he is an administrator, it means that he will be dismissed from his function. Ifhe is a subject or an employee it means that he will lose his source of income.
If a woman sees a sun that has no rays in a dream, it means that her husband will deprive her of her needs.
If one sees the sun split in two in a dream, it means losing one’s dominion.
If one sees the sun falling down in a dream, it means that a major calamity will befall the inhabitants of the earth.
If it falls over the earth in the dream, it means the death of one’s father. Gazing at the sun in a dream means gaining authority and dominion, or presiding over the people of one’s locality. Ifa traveller sees the sun too bright in a dream, it means that he will return horne safely.
If one sees the sun rising from the East and setting in the West with a clear brightness in a dream, it means blessings for that land. Ifone swallows the sun in a dream, it means distress, sorrow or death. Ifthe sun rises from the West, then it means defamation, exposing the ills of the person seeing it, or divulging a secret.
The rising of the sun from the West also means recovering from an illness, and for a businessman, it means profits from that direction, but in general, it may mean revealing a secret, or it could mean a scandal or death.
The same interpretation is given if one sees the sun rising from the South to set in the North.
If the sun changes its nature in a dream, it means trouble in that land. Ifone sits under the sun in a dream, it means that he will receive honor and blessed profits. Grabbing some rays of the sun in a dream means receiving undiminishing wealth.
The sunrise in a dream also means waking people up to go to work, seeking one’s livelihood, begetting a son, or releasing a prisoner.
If one is hiding something, then seeing the sun in his dream means that his secret will be exposed.
If one sees the rays of the sun falling over his bed or threatening him in a dream, it means a painful sickness, or inflammation of the skin. Ifthe sun rays which are falling over his bed provide him with good energy in the dream, it means a good harvest, or good health.
If travellers see many suns in the sky in a dream, it means profits and prosperity. Running away from the sun in a dream means that one may leave his wife, or he may run away from the governor of that land, or escape from an evil.
If the sun and the moon meet in one’s dream, it means a royal marriage, or a marriage between a beautiful woman and a wealthy man. Clouds covering the rays of the sun in a dream means an illness.
If one carries the sun in a bag in a dream, it means money.
The sun in a dream also could represent a wise man, or a teacher one whose company is sought. Otherwise, the sun in a dream could represent, the governor, one’s husband, wife, child, mother, daughter, aunt, father, or grandfather and the above interpretations will relate to such a person. Whatever happens to the sun in the dream, will then affect such people. Ifone sees the sun rising, then immediately setting in the same direction in a dream, it means a newborn who may die shortly after his birth, returning an ex-prisoner to jail shortly after his release, earning amazing amounts of money, or repenting from sin, reverting to wrongdoing, the return of a bride to her parent’s house immediately after her wedding night, or it could mean reconciliation between husband and wife. Ifone sees the sun and the moon shinning on him in a dream, it means that his parents are pleased with him.
If one sees himself prostrating to the sun or the moon in a dream, it means that he will commit an awful sin, or a heinous crime. In a dream, the sun also represents one’s livelihood, earnings, spiritual guidance, following the truth, new garments, or recovering from a serious illness. Seeingmany suns in the sky in a dream means the spread of religious innovations.
If the brightness of the sun grows beyond normal to become unbearable in the dream, it means adversities. Eating up the sun in a dream means benefiting from its services and prospering from its rays, or that one may become a man of knowledge, a scholar, an astrologer, or a fortuneteller.
If the rays of the sun cause burns to someone in a dream, it means that he will fall in love with a beautiful face, or perhaps he will be hurt by someone he adores, or it could mean loss of spiritual direction, or it could be a severe warning about a woman he loves. Ifa woman sees herself carrying the sun in a dream, it means that she will find a husband, or bear a son.
If one sees the sun talking to him in a dream, it means that he will discover a mystery or acquire knowledge about spirits, or he could become a translator, an analyst, or a consultant. Seeing the sun, the moon and the stars together in a dream denotes adversities, jealousy on the part of one’s own family, or they could denote fear.
If the rays of the sun burns the crop in a dream, it means a devastation and a plague or rising prices.
[35]lucky numbers: 24-32-33-36-45-48
arising with the: happiness through wil power and a fulfil ing future in money matters.
sunset: time to retire from the intensity of the past.
being in the: your self-confidence wil bring joy, eventual y.
blind person dreaming of the: wil have his sight again.
prisoner: wil be let out of prison to a more frightening life.
eclipse of the: a temporary, leaky period of decreasing fortune.
entering a house and seeing the sunshine: wil purchase a particular piece of real estate.
excessive, light: wil dry up your ideas and parch your creations.
going toward the moon: wil have in-fighting among friends.
golden: the source of your vitality.
lamp, using a: wil be scarred by an experience in your former active life.
married woman dreaming of sunshine in a room: wil have a virtuous child.
of the: masculine energy wil bring success in love.
peeping through the clouds: troubles wil soon vanish with news from far away.
people who have enemies dreaming of the: false news of losses wil cause you losses.
ray of sunlight: have a guardian angel at work for you.
falling from the sky: obstacles wil come from left field.
shining on your bed: apprehension over threat of il ness.
red, a: sick children wil turn for the better when you least expect them to.
shining brightly in a room: big gains and prosperity.
on the top of a house: wil have ups and downs; in danger of fire.
on your head: sins are pardoned, al glory and honor.
spot on the: be sure to accept a forthcoming promotion.
sunstroke, having a: others wil have reason to envy you very much.
relatives: family quarrels as you increase your responsibility by default.