Universal Landscape: Insecurity.
Dreaming Lens: Were your teeth loose, or falling out of your mouth? What was the amount of pain or bleeding experienced? Did you swallow any of your teeth as they fell from your gums? Did you have trouble removing a loose tooth? Were they crumbling, disintegrating, or coming out whole?
Personal Focus: Teeth serve three primary functions. They allow us to process our food so we can nurture ourselves. They express joy when revealed in a smile and they can indicate aggression when exposed in a snarl. All of these things—nurturance, joy, and protection—connect directly to security and well-being. If a person is not able to be self-nurturing, attract loving connections, and maintain a sense of being safe from danger, the basic constructs of a secure life are not likely to be available. Without these three important parts of life, fear would prevail. Therefore, when this dream image appears, issues of personal security are at the forefront of your unconscious expression.
There are various levels of intensity associated with this symbol. It can fluctuate from a slightly loose tooth to having them all crumble out of your mouth in a bloody mess. The scale of intensity of the dream will indicate the amount of fear being expressed. Whether it is a general fear of being out of control, looking bad, aging, or other issues of unmet needs, the appearance of this dream indicates underlying insecurity in some area of your waking life.
The teeth are used for chewing and this association can indicate a need to “chew on something for a while” as in mulling over a choice or course of action. Sinking your teeth into something refers to taking on life wholeheartedly. Losing your teeth in a dream could indicate an inability or unwillingness to do so. Losing our teeth as children is such a powerful rite of passage. On some level, losing your teeth in a dream will connect to the process of growing up, even in adulthood.