(See Also: Church, Holy Ground, Monastay, Sanctaaiy)
Temples have connections with ancient ideas, history, sacred beliefs, and rituals. While similar in meaning to a church, the theme indicated by a temple is not one linked to Christian ideals. What type of temple appears in your dream? A Japanese shrine, for example, has strong ties with Buddhist teachings regarding proper speech and action.
A Grecian temple, on the other hand, might relate to the development of oracular senses.
According to both Edgar Cayce and Carl Jung, this building, like other structures, may be an emblem for your body. Take special notice of the condition of each portion of the building for more interpretive information on your physical condition.
Esoterically, this edifice represents a personal astral temple, a place of safety, and learning on a higher plane.
The Templars, older Masonic mysteries, and other similar teachings tell of developing or finding such a place through meditation.
[1]You are dreaming of connecting to your spiritual nature in a more conventional way. Churches, temples, and mosques are the center of spiritual life for any community. Just like a house in a dream, any building can be interpreted as representing one’s current sense of self. In this way, any place of worship ultimately points to your relationship with spirituality and religion. Because this element of life can be particularly controversial, it is very important that you make a clear distinction between the universal meaning of a temple as connecting to matters of spirituality and whatever personal feelings you harbor about organized religion.
If a temple is not your typical house of worship, your dream may be asking you to consider the similarities and not the differences between different sets of religious dogma.
[2]also sec Church Buildings
1- Often in dreams a temple can signify our own body.
It is something to be treated with reverence and care. It has the same significance as a church since it is an object built to honour and pay respect to a god or gods.
2- Psychologically, wherever there is a temple there is a sense of awe associated with creativity. Perhaps the biggest significance in dreams is the fact that it takes many to build one temple. This links with our awareness of Lhe many facets of our personality which go to make a coherent whole.
3- Both as a sanctuary for human beings and as a place where the Divine resides, a temple reflects the bcautv of Heaven.
It is a microcosm (small picture) of what is, after all, infinite.
[3]Vision: The temple is a place of refuge, a reminder that there is another (invisible) side to life besides the external, everyday world!
Depth Psychology: The temple is your body, the place where spirit and soul reside.
The appearance of the temple will tell you how important you think your body, your soul, and your spirit are to you.
See Also: House.
[4]Material aspects: Often in dreams a temple can signify our own body.
It is something to be treated with reverence and care. It has the same significance as a church since it is an object built to honour and pay respect to a god or gods. Also consult the information for religious buildings in buildings and in spiritual imagery in the introduction.
[5]Psychological / emotional perspective: Psychologically, wherever there is a temple there is a sense of awe associated with creativity. Perhaps the biggest significance in dreams is the fact that it takes many to build one temple. This links with our awareness of the many facets of our personality that go to make a coherent whole.
[6]The appearance of a temple may reflect concerns about worshiping God.
A temple is a sacred spiritual space where you may receive spiritual insights and revelations and solidify your spiritual connection. It may refer to the need to pray or the desire to be close to God.
[7]The temple symbolizes the sacred, everything that is out of your power, and generally, seeing a temple in dreams foretells tragedies in the short term. For people in love, it is a sign that if you marry, your marriage will be short and miserable.
[8]One of the luckiest symbols, meaning completeness, zest for life, getting ahead, and always finding your way to the center of things.
The temple is also a symbol for Mother, and in that case is usually an idealization of mother.
See Also: Priest.
[9]Dreams of a temple represent that you are connecting with the place within you where heaven and earth align. You are recognizing the inherent sacredness of your body and your body of affairs.
See Also: Church.
[10]Both as a sanctuary for human beings and as a place where the divine resides, a temple reflects the beauty of heaven.
It is a microcosm (small picture) of what is, after all, infinite.
[11]A temple, like a church, can exemplify the religious feelings or beliefs of the dreamer.
For some dreamers, the image of a temple may denote the temple of the soul, the dreamer’s self.
[12]You see or enter a grand temple: your life is to be blessed with healing, joy and renewal; • A statue moves when you enter a temple: heavenly blessings are bestowed on you
[13]1. God’s meeting place with man;
2. God’s three bedroom house;
3. Heaven;
4. The believer. Ex. 25:8-9, 23; 29:42-44;Amos 7:9.
[14]To dream about a temple symbolizes your metaphysical nature. It also represents how you care for your corporeal being.
[15]A foreign Temple is a portent of curious experiences to be yours before long. Discretion will bring you a big reward.
[16]1. Human body (individually);
2. Church body (corporately);
3. God’s heavenly temple. 2 Cor. 6:16;Rev. 11:19.
[17]Consult the individual entry, religious buildings above and also spiritual imagery in the introduction.
[18]1. Inner state, especially spiritual.
2. A need for discretion; avoid gossip.
[19]To dream about a temple represents a need to be appreciated by those you love.
[20]A temple can be symbolic of a pagan deity or the temple of God, Ps. 27:4
[21]A place of worship; one’s body, see “landlord “ and “church”
[22]Inner temple.
See Also: Church.
[23]See Also: church.
[24](Altar, Retreat, Sanctuary) Temples, sanctuaries or retreats in a dream represent security, peace, finding a shelter away from fear, and victory over one’s enemy.
A temple in a dream also represents children, weddings, benefits, profits, prudence, or having reservations about one’s dealings with others.
A Christian temple in a dream represents the clergyman who officiates the masses, or it could represent the recital of Psalms or Gospels therein, and it may denote offerings.
(See Also: Church, Hermitage, Retreat)
[25]lucky numbers: 11-20-23-33-37-47
country, in your own: death of a very close friend: your adolescence.
foreign, a: unusual experience is coming to you soon.
entering a: discretion wil bring rewards.
worshipping in a: stop neglecting your spiritual side
idols in a: wil do something social y unjustifiable yet essential to your spirit.