Ten corresponds to closure, great strength, and gains. In the Jewish and Christian traditions, ten is the symbol of law, the Ten Commandments governing human relations between each other and with God. As the sum of 1, 2, 3 and 4, ten is considered a perfect number, integrating creation, movement, humanity and stability. Ten is associated with the Tarot Wheel of Fortune, a card that suggests change and opportunity.
[1]Perceived perfection.
A goal, end point, or end of a cycle.
Being neat, organized, or “even.” The underlying basis for a pattern (as in our numbering system being based on the number ten).
Something else you associate with ten, such as a decagon, dectet, time frame, someone’s age, or your family.
See Also: Number, Relationship, Second Place
[2](See Also: Numbers)
Manifestation; an alternative type at one numerologically. Cabalistic: Alterations in your spiritual goals or path.
Divine or mundane law. In the Old Testament, Moses received 10 commandments that were to be obeved bv the Israelites (See Also: Stones).
The muse: David, the great hard of the Old Testament, had a harp with 10 strings (See Also: Music).
[3]Ten appears seldom in dreams. Sometimes ten—1 and 0— indicates the dreamer’s loneliness.
A new, higher phase of development in life is beginning that is born of the emptiness of the zero (0). You are starting something new, but need to build on the experiences of the past.
The Ten is the symbol for rebirth and perhaps of a new career.
Ten—people: see One.
[4]Ten is the number of the creative paradigm, the totality, the microcosm within the macrocosm, and the beginning of a new cycle. Ten denotes strength and success.
[5]A new beginning, after having reached the goal. In the Egyptian tarot, the Wheel of Fortune. And a “10” is, of course, the perfect woman.
[6]If you dream of the number ten, this represents perfection, and your attempt to achieve an ideal.
[7]1. Wholeness and the divine order.
2. Having completed a phase of life or cycle.
[8]In dreams, the number ten represents closure, great strength and gains.
[9]Legally complete; god’s part, the tithe of one tenth
[10]New beginnings, the male and female together.
[11]See Also: Biblical Numbers.