Dreams of tightly fitting clothing signifies constriction, and a lack of freedom and mobility.
If you are feeling tight inside, then you may be venting out your fear of expressing yourself. Perhaps this dream is showing you where you share a close bond with someone where perhaps there has become too much dependency or co-dependency.
If this is the case, this dream may be giving you the message to allow yourself some space.
If this dream is about being drunk, then see Drunk.
See Also: Co-Dependant.
[1]Closeness (as in a tight-knit family).
Security or unavailability (as in being “locked up tight”).
Neatness or tidiness.
Something that is too tight can represent feeling restricted or blocked somehow in your life.
Someone wearing tight clothes may mean you think that person is “too full of himself” or has “too much” of something (ego, “hot air,” etc.).
See Also: Joining Together, Blockage or Obstacle, Next To, Bond, Holding, Closed, Lock, Security
[2]Garments are too tight, because that person has grown spiritually and is able to achieve more