If a dream is specifically set during daylight or nighttime, take into account your waking associations with early morning and nighttime.
If you are a night owl, a nighttime dream will have a far more positive interpretation than if you were an early bird. You may also associate daytime with routine and work and nighttime with relaxation and freedom. Dreams that take place in bright daylight also suggest your conscious waking life and feelings of optimism and clarity, and dreams of nighttime can indicate the unconscious as well as negativity and ignorance. Twilight in dreams can suggest a period of uncertainty and possible ambivalence as far as your direction in life is concerned. It may also suggest the afterlife.
Just as the 24-hour day is symbolically linked to the human life cycle, so too are the seasons: spring symbolizes birth and childhood and new beginnings; summer, adulthood; autumn, middle age; and winter, aging and death. The seasons can also signify your state of mind with spring representing optimism; summer, confidence, autumn, relaxation and reward; and winter, retreat. When several days, weeks, months, years or even longer pass in your dream, your unconscious is reflecting changes in your life or suggesting that your focus has currently been on things that are not relevant. Along with the second and minute hands on a clock, these dream images suggest slow and careful progression—or the need for it—in your waking life. Dreams of specific hours of the day may refer to your age, to a regular event in life or to a saying; for example 12 noon is middle age, or may refer to something that happens at that time of day, 11 o’clock may be the eleventh hour and so on. Noon may also be associated with lunch and nourishment, midnight with mystery and 6 o’clock with finishing work.
See Also: NUMBERS.
The Past and the Future
[1]The passage of time in our life; our age; our sense of ease or pressure.
the daylight hours Our conscious waking life; our area of choice and ability to make decisions. Most dreams deal only with one day. Where several days pass in the same dream, or even longer periods: the dream is expressing periods of change; different stages of growth in one’s life; or very different conditions through which one has lived or might live. Being late: feeling we have left something too late or we have missed out on something; realising we have not acted quickly enough to avert something; avoidance of responsibility.
[2]A particular time of day (such as morning or evening) can represent an actual time frame when the events represented in the dream really happened, or it can set a mood or context that you associate with that part of the day (such as stressed in the morning or relaxed in the evening).
See Also: Time, Time Frame, Daytime, Midday, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Twilight, Night, Sunset, Sunrise