If you were traveling in time to the past in your dreams, try to remember if you travelled to a time within your life span or to an era before you were born.
Traveling into your own past can be linked to a desire to connect with a situation in your childhood or youth that remains unresolved. Traveling into an era before you are born could suggest the possibility of reincarnation, but also an association between that period in time and your life at the moment. It might be worth getting the history books out to do some studies to see if any connections or lessons emerge. Traveling into the future can indicate impatience but also optimism and anticipation.
If the future scenario was depressing, this represents your fears and anxieties concerning your personal or the world’s future. From a mystical point of view, sometimes in dreams past, present and future become one and the idea of time vanishes; only when this happens can the individual fully concentrate on the present.
[1]Dreaming of time travel is representative of our journey through life.
If you traveled back into the past, you need to heal old wounds or get yourself together before you can achieve what you want in your current life.
If you dreamed of traveling into the future, your dream could be an escape from daily life or a need for adventure and new stimulations.
If you are constantly having dreams about time traveling, take a closer look at the current situations in your life. Are things going well, or are they more difficult than you would like them to be? Are your dreams a form of escapism and entertainment or are they reassuring you that life is an adventure and to keep moving forward?
[2]The ability to move through time is a fascinating dream symbol, for in dreams time has no limitation whatsoever. In this way, if you are dreaming of time travel as a concept, it is the desire to shift time perspectives in your waking life that may be inspiring such a dream. To go back in time relates to altering an error or regrettable choice. To move forward implies a desire to escape present circumstances.
[3]1. A message from one level of consciousness to another concerning present circumstances or situations (note symbolism of time period represented).
2. An effort to avoid present difficulties or circumstances.