Beginning a new journey, phase, or project.
Trying or considering something (as in “dipping your toe into the water”).
Stubbing your toe could represent: a temporary obstacle, getting in your own way, a feeling or fear of failure, a need to pay more attention to where you’re going, or to consider each decision or step carefully, unpleasantness, perhaps resulting from something that’s against your better judgment.
See Also: Foot, Shoe, Joint, Falling
[1]1. The walk of the person;
2. Smallest division of a kingdom/body/church;
3. Spiritual offspring (smallest members);
4. Six toes symbolizes the ultimate of humanity’s dominion Dan. 2:41; (3) 1 Cor. 12:23-26
• Big Toe
1. Power and dominion;
2. Drive and influence;
3. Leverage;
4. Leadership.
[2]Assistance in balance. Just beginning to get a toehold, a grip on what is going on in your life; grasp of the situation. Big toe may represent pituitary gland.
See Also: Foot.