To dream about toes symbolizes how you march through daily existence - maybe with assurance and confidence, maybe without. It also represents the avenues you are taking. On the other hand, toes can signify fine points of living and the way you handle them.
To dream about your toenails growing represents an expansion of your comprehension of some matter.
To dream that a toe is lost, or that a new one grows, indicates a lack of the perseverance needed to forge ahead in some matter.
To dream about an injured toe, or a toe with a corn or bruise, means that you are concerned about continuing with some effort.
To dream that a person is kissing your toe is a symbol of comfort and encouragement. That person wants you to succeed.
[1]The toes are about balance and finesse with regard to your movement through life. They can also be a source of adornment and self-expression. Something happening to the toes in a dream may indicate that there are some obstacles impeding you.
A stubbed toe is an error in judgment that gets your immediate attention.
[2]Dreams of toes symbolize that you are paying attention to the details, and honoring the little things in life that make all the difference. You are getting a grip on your life and finding your balance.
See Also: Toes.
[3]Vision: Looking at toes: make sure your feet are in good shape, because you have to do a lot of walking; or a trip will turn out to be stressful.
Depth Psychology: See Finger, Foot, Legs.
[4]Dreams featuring toes represent how you move and walk through life with grace and poise.
If you dream that your toe nails are growing, you are growing in your understanding of a particular matter.
[5]Toes help you to walk forward in a balanced manner.1 Therefore, a stubbed or injured toe may appear as a response to an emotional injury that caught you off balance.
[6]The big toe balances and directs, the ball represents mileage; the little toe is submissive, see “left” and “right”
[7]To dream that you have something the matter with your toes, is an indication that you will visit some part of the country where you have never been before.
[8]Toes in a dream represent good deeds.
(See Also: Body’, Foot)