Dreams that feature childhood toys can be either encouraging or discouraging, depending on how you feel in your dream. On the one hand if you dreamed of playing happily in a toy shop for hours and hours, your dreaming mind may be reminding you of the importance of having fun every now and again, and playing childish or adult games. Has fun or relaxation been missing from your life recently? On the other hand, if you feel bored by your dream toys, then perhaps it is time to put your energy to productive use. Dream toys may also express a wish to assert control over your adult life at a time when you may be having problems.
Breaking toys may express your frustration with problems you find hard to resolve.
If toy dreams suggest asserting control over problems, dreams which feature puppets or dolls are about asserting control over other people. Dreams about dolls can express your feelings and beliefs about your parents but they may also represent your feelings about being manipulated by people close to you in waking life. To dream of a rocking horse bears the same symbolism as a dreaming of horses in general, but it can also express a yearning for the comfort and security of childhood with its gentle, rocking motion. One of the most ancient and well-known toys, the spinning top may suggest a trance-like state or meditative frame of mind in which you look into the depths of your unconscious. The wailing sound it produces may also be associated with sorrow and bereavement. Cuddly toys, especially teddy bears, illustrate comforting and soothing aspects of your life.
See Also: Toy entry in BIRTH AND CHILDHOOD.
Vacation Time
[1]1- When there arc tovs in a dream we mav be aware of children around us, or of our more childlike selves. Toys will highlight the creative side of ourselves, and the more playful innocent part.
2- Perhaps we need to look at the types of toys which appear. They often give some indication of what we are playing with. We may be mulling over new ideas or new- ways of relating to others. Equally we need to ‘play’ more, to relax and have fun.
3- Toys appearing in a dream maybe alerting us to our ability to create our own lives. Just as a child will imagine himself creating his own little world through his toys, so also can we as dreamers and creators.
[2]Childhood attitude to life or people; not taking something or someone seriously, just ‘playing’ at life or love; can also show an attitude of play that is positive and creative, not killing one’s creativity by being too serious; the toy dream may be a way of playing’ with emotions and sexuality which allows the dreamer to explore and mature these areas in a safe way. Toy animal, cuddly toy: a childhood attitude to one’s natural drives; one’s desire for a non-threatening emotional or sexual relationship.
See Also: doll; games, gambling.
[3]A child or the idea of children.
Your childhood or your inner child.
Playfulness, or a desire to be more playful.
A specific toy you had in the past might indicate the time frame in your life represented by the dream events.
Consider also the type of toy (for example, building blocks could represent a desire to solve a real-life problem or express yourself through creative design).
[4]Dreams of a toy signify that you are having frivolous fun, taking life playfully and are connecting to your childhood essence. This dream might also be revealing your childish attitudes toward life, and immaturity.
See Also: Teddy Bear.
[5]Time to play, lighten up. When you see your goals as toys, they are easier to manifest. The childhood spirit of play is your best creative tool; play with ideas and they happily take a new form in self-expression.
[6]Dreams of beautiful toys foretell happiness. Broken toys forebode sadness and complications.
[7]An object that is for one’s entertainment and pleasure, but not taken seriously
[8]Symbolic of something regarded as unnecessary, something wanted for amusement