This partial excerpt from “Dream Language” by Jim & Michal Ann Goll explains some of the most common dreams that people experience. Thousands of dreams have been logged by various ministries and organizations, allowing for a deeper understanding of these common dreams.
Dreams of Your House
Houses often represent your life, and the activities within the house reflect specific aspects of your life. Individual rooms may symbolize particular things, such as intimacy in the bedroom or the need for cleansing in the bathroom.
Dreams of Going to School
These dreams often revolve around taking tests, which may symbolize promotion or the need for guidance. Repeating classes may signify the opportunity to learn from past mistakes.
Dreams of Various Vehicles
Vehicles in dreams may represent your calling or purpose in life, with different types and sizes of vehicles reflecting various aspects of your ministry or life's journey.
Dreams Concerning Storms
Storm dreams often indicate spiritual warfare or intercessory roles, foretelling upcoming challenges or blessings.
Dreams of Flying or Soaring
Flying dreams symbolize your spiritual capacity to rise above life's difficulties. These dreams often leave you feeling exhilarated and encouraged.
Dreams of Being Naked or Exposed
These dreams suggest vulnerability or transparency in your life. They often appear during times of transition.
Dreams of the Condition of Your Teeth
Teeth in dreams may symbolize wisdom, with loose or decayed teeth indicating the need for wisdom in an upcoming challenge.
Dreams of Past Relationships
These dreams may reveal the temptation to fall back into old patterns, or they might signal a need to renew former positive habits and desires.
Dreams of Dying
Death dreams usually symbolize the end of something in your life and the beginning of a new phase.
Dreams of Birth
Birth dreams are often about new seasons or purposes emerging in your life, rather than literal childbirth.
Dreams of Taking a Shower
Shower dreams represent cleansing, often indicating a process of purification or release from worldly burdens.
Dreams of Falling
These dreams may reveal a fear of losing control or, conversely, a newfound freedom in surrendering control.
Dreams of Chasing and Being Chased
Chasing dreams can indicate enemies working against you or your passionate pursuit of something. Your emotions during the dream offer important clues to interpretation.
Dreams of Relatives, Alive and Dead
These dreams often relate to generational blessings or challenges. Grandparents in particular symbolize generational issues.
Dreams Called Nightmares
Nightmares, especially in children or new believers, may reveal spiritual enemies or generational struggles that need to be addressed.
Dreams of Snakes
Snake dreams often symbolize the devil, indicating spiritual attacks or deception. Other animals like spiders or bears may similarly reveal fear or witchcraft at work.
Dreams of Dogs and Cats
Dogs in dreams may represent loyalty, friendship, or protection, but can also reveal betrayal. Cats may carry different symbolic meanings depending on the context.
Dreams of Going Through Doors
Doors in dreams often symbolize upcoming changes, opportunities, or advancements in your life. Elevators or escalators may indicate spiritual elevation.
Dreams of Clocks and Watches
Clocks or watches often reveal the time in your life or signal a wake-up call for greater alertness in your spiritual walk.
Dreams with Scripture Verses
Dreams featuring Bible passages may indicate direct messages from God, guiding you with wisdom and instruction.
See Also: Symbols, House, School, Vehicles, Storms, Flying, Teeth, Death, Birth, Snakes, Doors.