1- An ulcer is a sore that is only cured with great difficulty. Thus, to dream of one makes us aware of work which needs to be clone to heal a great hurt. It will depend on where the ulcer is as to what needs healing.
To dream of a stomach ulcer, for instance, would suggest an emotional difficulty while a mouth ulcer would suggest some problem with spcech or making ourselves understood to those around us.
2- If we are dealing with someone else’s ulcer we arc aware that that person is not dealing with a dilemma in which we are involved.
3- An ulcer is something which erodes matter. Spiritually it suggests some soreness of Spirit or spiritual dilemma.
[1]You have difficulties managing certain experiences, which is what is deduced from a dream in which you have an ulcer. Furthermore, these difficulties increase through your inability to outwardly express your situation. You should fight against your inner ghosts. The first step will be to express your feelings. Only this way will you be able to purify yourself.
[2](See Also: Body, Medicine, Physician)
Something that gnaws away at you, often causing distraction and irritability.
An indicator that there is an excessive amount of stress in your life that could eventually cause this malady. Take a break!
An open sore that seems difficult to heal because of inaccessibility or complications.
[3]Dreams of an ulcer signify that there is something eating at you. You have been holding back your feelings and your dream is giving you the message to express yourself and to stop procrastinating regarding making an amends or forgiving someone that has wronged you.
See Also: Abscess.
[4]To dream of seeing someone with an ulcer in your dream means you will suffer withdrawal from friends and loved ones.
To dream of your own ulcer means it is your fault for losing your friends and it is a warning to work on your personal outlook and actions.
[5]To see an ulcer in your dream, signifies loss of friends and removal from loved ones. Affairs will remain unsatisfactory.
To dream that you have ulcers, denotes that you will become unpopular with your friends by giving yourself up to foolish pleasures.
[6]To dream of having one denotes health to a green old age (Gypsy). Evidently attributable to the idea that ulcers, boils, etc., clear the system.
[7]To dream about ulcers indicates unsatisfactory conditions during waking hours.
[8]One is deeply concerned about something.
[9]See Also: Sore(s).
[10]To dream that you are suffering from an ulcer either in your arms, legs, or any part of your body, denotes that vou will be favored with a large measure of health and strength, and that you will live to a good old age.
[11](Abscess, Boil, Tumor.
See Also: Pimple)