Letting go of what you no longer need.
Getting rid of what you consider undesirable or unwanted.
The ending of a process.
Expressing something outwardly, perhaps to “get it out of your system” (such as feelings or opinions).
Channeling negativity or destructive expression (disrespect, hostility, etc.) into the world.
See Also: Toilet, Bathroom, Kidney
[1](1) Dreams of urinating may be caused by a full bladder and usually have little or no psychological significance.
(2) Urinating may be a symbol of sexual desire, representing sexual emissions.
[2]1. Strong desire;
2. Tempted to sin;
3. Full bladder;
4. Under pressure;
5. Offense Prov. 17:14; 1 Sam. 25:22.
[3]Urinating in a dream means wasting money in an unnecessary or an unlawful way. It also means a marriage to an unsuitable or a non-compatible person. Frequency of urination in a dream means receiving regular income. On the other hand, suppression of urine in a dream means the opposite, or it may mean hastiness, or making an incorrect decision. Ifone sees himself urinating in an unknown place, in someone else’s house, a lodge, a town, etcetera in a dream, it may mean kinship with its people. Wetting one’s underpants in a dream means a newborn in the family. Urinating in the sea in a dream mean paying taxes or givingcharity. Urinating in a valley in a dream means expansion of one’s progeny. Emittingbad odor after urination while others are looking with despise in a dream means defamation, or exposing one’s ills in public. Drinking urine in a dream means earning unlawful income.
If one sees his servant or employee urinating inside a well or a stream in a dream, it means that someone from his family will betray its interests. Urinating in a dream also means dispelling distress.
[4]lucky numbers: 23-25-28-29-30-36
children: wil have to sweep the floor.
drinking urine: feel others are depleting your energy.
having to urinate: are avoiding facing annoying obstacles; reality does not disappear.
others: completion of a business transaction after a heated argument with an investor.
urinal pot, a: are retaining malice aforethought and wish to purge yourself.
wall, on a: apologizing for past transgressions becomes increasingly difficult the longer you wait.
wet your bed, having: an unconscious act showing your disdain for another.