To dream that you are playing a video game, represents your ability to manipulate others into doing what you want them to do. Sometimes this dream also is suggesting that you are trying to escape from problems in your real life.
If you dream of being a character inside a video game, it means you are feeling controlled by others.
[1]A real-life game.
A real-life activity or environment that feels like a game somehow (it’s competitive, presents one challenge after another, requires progressive levels of skill, requires concentration, etc.).
Fun, excitement, or distraction (or a desire for such).
See Also: Arcade, Game, Pretending
[2]To dream of being in a video game can symbolize your life. You may feel as though life is a game.
Dreaming of being in a video game can also be a product of gaming for hours on end during the day
[3]1. Manipulation and emotional control.
2. An inability to accept responsibility, avoidance of obligations.