Vision: A virgin in a man’s dream may refer to a project he has in mind at work; or it might mean that he would like to get to know a specific woman. Insulting a virgin with suggestive remarks: you will be punished soon for something you did.
A woman dreaming about a virgin: she would like to have more self-restraint and moderation in her life.
Depth Psychology: A virgin dream suggests that you have already taken the first step in your determination to change. Sometimes the virgin is a sign that you have remained true to yourself in love relationships. In spite of the influences around you, your soul remained unmarred. Your very essence remained healthy in spite of die troubles in youi life.
[1]To dream of a virgin, denotes that you will have comparative luck in your speculations.
For a married woman to dream that she is a virgin, foretells that she will suffer remorse over her past, and the future will hold no promise of better things.
For a young woman to dream that she is no longer a virgin, foretells that she will run great risk of losing her reputation by being indiscreet with her male friends.
For a man to dream of illicit association with a virgin, denotes that he will fail to accomplish an enterprise, and much worry will be caused him by the appeals of people. His aspirations will be foiled through unwarranted associations.
[2]As with all strange women who appear in a man’s dream, this image represents his own feminine side, which in case of a mother complex he is unable to integrate.
In a woman’s dream, it represents her own unknown, often disowned, feminine side. It also reflects a strong connection to the father, egocentricity in love, and possible frigidity.
See Also: Defloration.
Something new should be undertaken. Also a warning about an action that cannot be undone.
The action of the virgin in the dream points to unknown characteristics and behaviors of the dreamer.
[3]1- To dream of being a virgin suggests a state of innocence and purity.
To dream that someone else is a virgin highlights the ideals of integrity and honesty.
2- The virginal mind that is, a mind that is free from deception and guile is perhaps more important than physically being a virgin, and it is this aspect which often becomes evident in dreams. In a woman’s dream such a figure suggests she is in touch with her own psyche.
3- Spiritually there is a kind of innocence and purity, which can often be dedicated to servicc.
[4]State of being which is free of preconceptions; receptivity; girlhood or innocence. In woman’s dream, oneself if still a virgin; a daughter. That one has had sex doesn’t mean that one’s girlhood feelings actually were met and mated with; these might very well reappear in a new relationship or in a phase of one’s marriage. In man’s dream: one’s feeling self which is receptive; one’s soul or psyche; the aspect of oneself which can connect with awareness because it can rid itself of preconceptions.
[5]Spiritually there is a kind of innocence and purity which can often be dedicated to the service of mankind. This quality can often manifest more clearly in dreams than in waking life. In ancient rome vestal virgins served the goddess vesta as priestesses for thirty years, after which they were free to leave and marry. Most vestal virgins preferred to remain single after retirement. Before that, they had to maintain chastity or face a frightening death.
[6]This dream could the effect of nostalgia. Maybe you are observing the past, when you experiment for the first time the pain and complexity of human relationships. In the same manner, a virgin could represent something pure and innocent in real life.
In dreams, the Virgin Mary represents the soul.
It is the spiritual guide that
brings personal plentitude to man.
[7]Psychological / emotional perspective: In dream parlance, the virginal mind – that is, a mind that is free from deception and guile – is perhaps more important than physically being a virgin.
It is this freedom that often becomes evident in dreams. Dreams of the loss of virginity can suggest the ending of all innocence.
[8]Unknown parts of self; unexplored dimensions. Purity, wholeness. The myth of the virginal woman as the most desirable sexual partner is a limiting belief that harms relationships.
It is in maturity, in the giving and receiving of love, that full expression of relatedness, openness develops.
[9]Material aspects: To dream of being a virgin suggests a state of dedication and purity, and may symbolize the life of a single, unromantically attached woman, one perhaps known to us.
To dream that someone else is a virgin highlights the ideals of integrity and honesty.
[10]Gives gender-specific: In a woman’s dream such a figure suggests she is in touch with her own psyche, her own essential being. In a man’s dream a virgin may symbolize an innocent understanding of romance or a chivalrous approach.
[11]1. Potential, purity.
2. Innocence, emotional, intellectual or spiritual.
3. Spiritual harmony (virgin mary).
4. Great happiness (embracing a virgin).
[12]A virgin can represent innocence and purity.
A feeling of being free, unattached, and receptive. Alternatively, a virgin can represent barrenness.
[13]For a woman to dream she is a virgin is to wish to be desirable to men.
For a man to dream of a virgin is to desire a younger woman.
[14]A virgin seen in a dream is a portent of success in one o£ the arts, particularly in such branches as the stage or motion pictures.
[15]To dream of an effigy of the Virgin is a warning of threatened trouble; be reserved and on guard with all but trusted friends.
[16]This is a Christian or the Church, Matt. 25:1-10
[17]To dream about the Virgin Mary, is an indication that the dreamer will be instrumental in conferring an important benefit upon one who is in great distress and difficulty. For a young female to dream that she is in danger of losing her virginity, signifies that she will be blessed with a good husband and dutiful and obedient children.
[18]lucky numbers: 01-18-21-33-36-47
being introduced to a: fortune smiles on pleasures without secrecy.
embracing a: wil outrage her innocence in a depraved manner.
holding a: with ful commitment to each other, there are no bars to the expression of love.
kidnapping a: your obsession with gaiety wil create slander of unreal proportions.
knowing a, with many boyfriends: be on guard that your naïveté is respected.
making advances toward a: your own guilt wil not al ow another’s purity.
picture of a: temptations threaten your every direction.
realizing a person is not a: grief for believing you need what is unessential to a relationship.
sick person dreaming of the, Saint: your recovery speed wil be equal to your sincerity.
talking to the, Saint: the consolation prize wil be quick in coming and unwarranted.
[19](Chaste, Girl, Unmarried) Seeing a virgin woman in a dream means distress, adversities, or business difficulties, while seeing a woman in a dream means comfort and success.
(See Also: Bride)