Visiting a place or a person can represent an actual, desired, or imagined experience with that place or person (or with something the place or person represents).
For more clues, consider your motivation for and feelings about the visit.
See Also: Guest, Traveling, Trip or Vacation, Staying, Seeing, Meeting, Arriving, Returning, Appointment
[1]It Is fortunate to dream of visiting a relative or friend if the circumstances connected with the visit are pleasant.
[2]lucky numbers: 11-18-23-25-28-31
doctor, you: wil have advantages over him, you live in your body and know it best.
friend, you: wil have business losses if an urgent problem is not dealt with.
several: wil receive good news soon.
paying a visit: obstacles in your plans to iron out a difference of opinion.
returning: have a problem, as you deserve to, with patience.
receiving business visits: wil have sorrow that wil cause tears.
from someone in distress: solve their problem for them and earn indebtedness for life.
relative, with: slackers wil be suspicious of your strong organizational skil s.
your friends: your situation is not good; put off making a decision.