People who have been in a war situation may be plagued by dreams that recall their ordeals, but for those who have never seen war, such dreams usually refer to private battles raging either within themselves, or between themselves and other people. Are such battles necessary, or would reconciliation be better than victory? Are you being too hard on yourself? Carl Jung believed dreams of war to represent a conflict between the conscious and unconscious minds, which is a struggle between the deep instinctive forces and the rules of conscious conduct. However, sometimes turmoil is needed in order for the personality to develop and grow.
If you can accept the part of yourself that is trying to find expression, you may be able to draw up a peace settlement. Anger, sorrow or pity are usually found in dreams about war; whichever of these emotions you feel will show the feeling or action in waking life that has provoked the dream.
The clue to the dream’s subject may be found in the identity of the opposing armies, or the landscape, in the soldier’s clothing and the course of the battle may be suggesting a similar action in waking life. Which army did you belong to? If it was a savage army, perhaps your dreaming mind is suggesting that your true allegiance lies with your instincts, but if you belong to a modern, sophisticated army, the dream may be telling you that your inclination is to follow the rule of your intellect.
If you witnessed the outcome of the battle in your dream, or admired the victorious army and its winning tactics, this may give you an indication of how best to resolve the conflict within yourself.
Although war and battle dreams may indicate disagreement between two individuals, they may also point to explosive disagreements between certain groups of people in your life; for example, disagreements in the workplace or differing opinions within the family. Your dreaming mind may be warning you that you will soon be entangled in that conflict and this is especially so if a battlefield features in your dream. The battlefield may indicate the area of conflict and your dream may be indicating whether you should take sides or act as peacemaker. A battlefield scene may also represent your working environment or a battle you are waging with yourself, such as the battle to give up smoking, the struggle to keep to a diet and so on.
If you dream of war, rather than simply a battle, different interpretations are appropriate. War has a more global effect that one-to-one combat or fighting, and this would suggest that you need to be more conscious of the effect your actions have on others. The outcome of war should be the establishment of order, and dreams of wars coming to an end can have a positive interpretation, suggesting that this natural process is taking place on an inner level.
[1]Every war concerns the struggle of light against darkness, of good against evil. At the psychic level, it symbolizes the struggle between the subject’s actions and thoughts, because we always have the tendency toward inner unity. According to Jung, this dream reflects an inner conflict; war is being waged between your conscious and unconscious part, between the instinctual impulses and social norms. In oneiric terms, this dream reflects insecurity and fear of the events of life, but it also shows your desire for rebellion against inner oppression. When you see no end of the fight, it indicates that the conflict is not exactly about to be resolved. (See Also: ARMY, ENEMIES)
A time of difficulties and dangers is announced. The dream also predicts family discussions.
[2]Vision: Being ill the midst of a war: you have to face official business, and perseverance is the only way to get through.
If you are taken prisoner: you will meet a powerful adversary who could harm you. Looking at war machinery: extremely difficult times are ahead.
If the war machinery is damaged: your present dilemma is going to ease.
Depth Psychology: Dreaming about war means that you are in a difficult situation: you are fighting with yourself. But the dream may also be an indication that you are “at war” with others— spouses, parents, colleagues, business partners, officials, etc. All these conflicts—the result of unrealistic hopes and/or expectations—will come to an end if you make a firm decision.
See Also: Fight.
[3]1- In dreams war always denotes conflict. It has a more global cffcct than one-to-one combat, and would suggest that we need to be more conscious of the effect our actions will have on others. We also need to be aware that we are taking part in conflict which is deliberately engineered rather than spontaneous.
2- War is ultimately a way of dealing with distress and disorder.
The outcome should be the establishment of order, although sometimes this can only happen through the passage of time.
To dream of war, therefore, indicates that this natural process is taking place on an inner level.
3- War is a symbol of spiritual disintegration. We need to be aware of what is disintegrating within our lives to understand the full symbolism.
[4]War in a dream indicates that shifting boundaries are causing enormous upheaval.
The object of war is for one entity to obtain the land and / or resources of another. Therefore, war in a dream indicates change on such a large scale that it can only be accomplished by the use of major force. Our world is a set of organized boundaries that we know as countries. Our psyches are divided in a similar way. These boundaries are, ultimately, fluid. Things change— sometimes dramatically—which leaves us feeling vulnerable. When the change is sudden and violent, the unconscious may use a dream of war to express the enormity of the internal shift that’s occurring.
[5]To dream of war, foretells unfortunate conditions in business, and much disorder and strife in domestic affairs.
For a young woman to dream that her lover goes to war, denotes that she will hear of something detrimental to her lover’s character.
To dream that your country is defeated in war, is a sign that it will suffer revolution of a business and political nature. Personal interest will sustain a blow either way.
If of victory you dream, there will be brisk activity along business lines, and domesticity will be harmonious.
[6]Dreaming about a war or a battle suggests that the dreamer has internal conflict. One part of personality or psyche may be battling with another for control and the dream reflects this internal war. Another reason for dreaming about war is that you may be faced with a situation that requires you to be aggressive or assertive and to come to terms with opposition. War veterans and others who have experienced war first hand may, from time to time, have such dreams based on memory and trauma.
[7]Internal conflicts. There might be a bloody battle between one’s moral code and sexual needs, for instance; or between what we allow ourselves to feel and the self healing process which attempts to release childhood pain; or between intellect and body needs or emotions. Idioms : in the wars; on the warpath; war of nerves; declare war.
See Also: attack; fight; soldier under roles; bomb; air raid; unofficial Christ in Christ under archetypes.
[8]As a symbol, the disintegration of order inherent in war signifies some kind of conflict in us.
The natural order is breaking down and identifying the source of the conflict – often a difficulty in achieving some kind of balance between the inner and outer selves – will help to bring a sense of peace or closure. Additional information might be gleaned by consulting the entries for argue / argument, armed forces, conflict and fight.
[9]Dreams of a war signify chaos, endings, death, and that you are tearing down old belief structures within you and are undergoing massive transformation with regards to internal conflicts within yourself. Also, dreaming about war can be a venting dream helping you to process and release the shock and trauma from hostile circumstances in your life.
See Also: Venting Dream, Fight.
[10]Psychological / emotional perspective: War is ultimately a way of dealing with distress and discomfort. In theory, the outcome should be the re-establishing of order, but this can often only happen over an extended period of time. In dreams, when war breaks out we are dealing with destructive feelings that cannot easily be expressed in any other way.
[11]Real fear of war. In addition, confrontation between different parts of the personality of the dreamer: inner conflict. This dream image points to current confrontations with your own aggressiveness. Check to see if you are too aggressive, or if you should express your aggression more directly.
[12]To dream of war is an omen, warning of unhappy conditions at home and in love affairs.
If you dream that your country wins a war, your life will be significantly better in the near future. This dream can also be a normal reaction to upsetting news of war or unrest in real life.
[13]Gives gender-specific: Dreams of war will depend on the experiences in waking life of the dreamer. In a woman’s dream traditionally she would have been on the periphery though this may no longer be true. In a man’s dream he is much more likely to be combative.
[14]Material aspects: War is often deliberately engineered rather than spontaneous and tends to have a more global effect than mere skirmishes. It therefore suggests that we need to be fully aware of the consequences that our actions may have on others.
[15]A common dream experience if one is a military veteran, a dream about war can also represent conditions that call for aggression (war) or for a resolution (peace treaty).
[16]Fighting within self; rejecting parts of self. All aspects must work in harmony; intellect, intuition, male-female, body, mind, spirit. Need for balance, integration.
[17]1. Chaos in one’s personal life.
2. Hostility toward someone or a group.
3. Feeling that a problem can only be settled with violence.
[18]To dream of a war being fought indicates that there will be a great scandal in which you will play a prominent part!
[19]It is a forerunner of news detrimental to her lover’s reputation if a maiden dreams of his going to war.
[20]If a man dreams of going to war, he should guard his actions in regard to his behavior toward women.
[21]To dream of War and affairs of War, signifies trouble and danger.
[22]To dream of war can be symbolic of the end-times, Matt. 24:6
[23]A dream warning of danger of persecution (Gypsy).
[24]Dreaming of war, apart from wartime, forebode disputes.
[25]See Also: Combat, Battle, Bombs, etc.
[26]Spiritual warfare, literal war
[27]See Also: Fight(ing)
[28]lucky numbers: 01-05-23-36-47-49
armistice, making an: no one wins at the peace talks.
being in a: danger of il ness.
prisoner, a: your opponent has won, change battlefields.
chemical weapons used in a: an end to the hostilities is nearby.
conquest of, a: expect too many favors from others.
documents of: expand your workspace to contain the truth.
ending hostilities in your favor: peace must be fair to last.
losing a: loss of important papers justifying your actions.
making, with someone: persecution of yourself wil stop.
mobilizing for: peace wil soon be announced.
rescuing others from a: have great fortitude, which is appreciated
are rescued from a: friends support your efforts.
town ruined in a, your: make your suspicions public.
trapped by a: break out of the mold set by others.
trying to save self and others: wil be vindicated.
failing: seek legal assistance now.
watching a: misfortune.
winning a: happiness if you rehabilitate your enemy.
[29](Fight) In a dream, war means deception, betrayal, misleading, or trickery. War in a dream also means inflation, rising prices, a plague, food lines, adversities and stress.
If a soldier sees himself fighting an enemy in a dream, it means that he will gain benefits and success in his life.
(See Also: War correspondent)