A fresh start, or a desire for one.
The idea of cleaning up your or someone else’s mess (a problem, neglected responsibility, etc.).
A cycle, or a repeating or circular process.
Letting go of the past or reaching closure in some area of your life (as a washing machine removes evidence of the past from your clothing).
Repairing a relationship or situation, or making amends for past actions.
See Also: Appliance, Cleaning, Water, Soap, Dirt, Bucket or Basket, Drain
[1]If you dream of loading or unloading a washing machine with clothes, this foretells an unexpected vacation or change of location.
If you dream of hiding or being stuck inside a washing machine, you need to escape from stress in your waking life. You may also feel that others are trying to force their opinions or values on you.
[2]If you dream that the washing machine is plugged in and well functioning, then you have a healthy energetic laundry system. However, if the washing machine is unplugged or malfunctioning, then this is a message to seek help to process through recent traumatic or overwhelming events in your life.
[3]As a function of routine, clothes are kept clean in this mechanism. In this way, a washing machine is a symbol of this impulse to keep elements of your life at a certain level of condition. You may be expressing a need to clear off thoughts or feelings that are unwanted.
[4]1. One has the means to cleanse some part of one’s life, such as guilt.
2. Watching a washing machine in action means one’s life is humdrum.
[5]A washing machine may point to the need to clean up your attitude in order to perfect your image in the world.
[6]1. Holy Spirit ministry used in cleaning others; Isa. 61:1, 10.