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What Are Dreams For?

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"Trust in Dreams, for in Them the Gateway to Eternity is Hidden."

Dreams and Their Profound Purpose

Imagine dreams as personal movies, crafted in response to our daily experiences. These cinematic reveries aim to shed light on complex situations and provide support. With the right insights, they can serve as spiritual guides, offering glimpses into the subconscious, where often, latent emotions and suppressed needs reside unbeknownst to us.

Yet, there exist skeptics who question the significance of dreams. Some scientists contend that dreams are but a haphazard blend of the myriad electronic signals the brain receives. On the contrary, others unearth profound messages even in the simplest dreams, sometimes veering away from the realm of everyday reality in favor of their dreamworld.

Neither extreme warrants endorsement. Each dream undoubtedly embarks on a journey into the enigmatic, but modern psychology has unveiled substantial aspects of their architecture. A critical revelation from dream study confirms this: dreams can be invaluable aids to imagination, particularly when confronting dilemmas. What's required is the art of listening to them, for their content frequently mirrors the emotional challenges we grapple with.

Every dream unfolds as a voyage into uncharted territory, delivering an implicit personal message. While the emotional state is shaped by the dream's content, dreams in monochrome may signify waning enthusiasm or a wistful longing for the past. These dreams beckon us to savor the present with greater intensity.

It's known that during times of crisis, our oneiric output surges significantly, both in quantity and intensity. Is this "surplus" beneficial? Indeed, but only when we exert the effort to recollect and interpret these dreams. As we shall explore later, they harbor therapeutic potential of immense value.

Consider a couple undergoing a tumultuous phase; recollecting and dissecting their dreams often aids in comprehending their subconscious responses to the situation. In essence, dreams serve as invaluable tools for delving into emotional conflicts. To fathom the roots of problems is an essential stride, regardless of the chosen course of action.

English psychologist David Fontana, whose works have transcended linguistic boundaries, succinctly stated, "In listening to my patients' dreams during therapy sessions, I have observed how, often, these can take us right to the core of the psychological problem much quicker than other methods." However, let's not harbor the illusion that dreams hold the key to every enigma. Yet, if their interpretation, to some extent, assists in self-understanding, what more could one seek? From a pragmatic perspective, our own oneiric narratives can prove profoundly utilitarian.

In dreams, interactions with others form a recurrent theme. The individuals who populate our dreams, especially strangers, symbolize facets of our own selves that the subconscious unveils.

Esteemed writers like Robert Louis Stevenson, William Blake, Edgar Allan Poe, and Woody Allen have placed faith in this notion, acknowledging that segments of their oeuvres have sprung from dreams. Eminent scientists like Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, pioneers in modern atomic physics, found their groundbreaking insights stemming from similar origins. Nonetheless, these examples should not bewilder us; no dream provides a ready-made map to follow through symbolic imagery without the intellect to decipher it.

Prosperity, Precognition, and Prognostication

Intriguingly, some well-documented cases suggest that dreams can even yield material wealth. There is evidence of individuals with prophetic dreams amassing considerable fortunes through their oneiric "magic." The most spectacular instance hails from the 1950s when an Englishman named Harold Horwood clinched substantial prizes by betting on horses guided by his dream-derived hints. Alas, such premonitions do not bless everyone. Nonetheless, every dreamer has the opportunity to unearth the greatest treasure of all—self-knowledge—through their dreams.

We've all experienced moments when life appears to spiral out of control. We might sense that external forces shape our destiny or that we are captives of our circumstances.

Our dreamscapes harbor invaluable insights into our desires and concerns; they may also serve as glimpses into our future. In ancient traditions, dreaming of stars signifies prosperity and spiritual wealth. However, many psychologists contest this view, arguing that daily events are not mere coincidences but meaningful actions that reflect an individual's inner state.

Dreams and Thoughts

According to these experts, luck is an illusion—an entity that eludes existence. What we often label as coincidence is, in truth, the natural manifestation of our thoughts and attitudes. Essentially, we are creators, not passive recipients or victims of life's unfolding events.

A poignant parable elucidates this concept: the story of an elderly man who cast stones into the sea. When asked if he ever grew weary of this simple game, the old man gazed at his questioner and delivered a reply etched in memory: "My small stones bear greater significance than meets the eye; they ripple, causing repercussions. They set in motion waves that will, sooner or later, reach the farthest shores of the ocean."

How does this relate to dreams, you may wonder? The connection is clear: as previously illustrated, we hold sole responsibility for our daily experiences, a notion often challenging to accept. Yet, taking charge of our lives is not an insurmountable feat; we merely need to heed the messages within us—our oneiric thoughts, which we ultimately author.


Through dreams, our two realms—conscious and subconscious—can synergize to enrich our lives with creativity and freedom. An exquisite visualization from yoga encapsulates this idea: "At the depths of the lake of our thoughts lies a jewel. For it to glisten in the sun, we need to clear the waters of our mind." This jewel represents the dream, and the murky waters, our daily existence. The imagery beckons us to dive into our consciousness and polish the jewel, breathing life into our visions.

Our lives mirror an expansive mansion, concealing a labyrinth of unexplored chambers and hidden basements. Only during our moments of repose do we unveil some of the many chambers in this magnificent abode. These chambers may be dusty, unwelcoming, and fraught with dread and anxiety, or they may be splendid quarters where we yearn to linger eternally.

Given that all these chambers are our own, it is only natural to aspire to explore them all. Dreams, in this regard, serve as invaluable tools.

How to Recall Dreams

At this juncture, you may find yourself thinking, "Dreams are undeniably significant, yet I struggle to remember them." Fret not, for there exist techniques that bolster the recollection of oneiric musings. These methods, when diligently employed, offer surprising results in dream recall.

These techniques prove indispensable, as many people tend to forget their dreams entirely upon waking. Why? According to Sigmund Freud's hypothesis, an internal censor endeavors to prevent the conversion of our oneiric experiences into conscious material.

On occasion, dreams deliver unsettling messages, manifesting as nightmares. However, these night terrors, though arduous to accept, function as invaluable admonitions, signaling that certain facets of our lives misalign with our innermost selves. Nightmares affirm that self-discovery may not always be pleasant; it often necessitates confronting pain to uncover one's true desires and needs.

On the flip side, dreams grant boundless creativity free rein, unburdened by daily worries. Therefore, even if you do not consider yourself a creative individual, remember that all the scenes, symbols, and characters that grace your dreams are exclusively your creations.

Maintaining a dream journal by your bedside, as we shall explain later, proves remarkably effective for recalling and subsequently analyzing your dreams. This process serves as the gateway to self-discovery.

It's worth noting that during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase of sleep, a safeguard mechanism inhibits physical movement. Hence, sleepwalkers seldom roam during REM phases, preventing them from acting out their dream-induced motions and inadvertently harming themselves.

As previously elucidated, techniques to remember dreams are available. This constitutes the initial step in unlocking their wisdom. Now, should you desire to choose the subject of your dreams before slumber, rather than waiting for serendipitous dreamscapes, this is possible. But a casual reliance on your pillow will not suffice. It's possible that you may strike serendipity and dream about your concerns, but often, you may not. If you are genuinely committed to exploring your innermost worries, you can indeed steer your dreams to provide concrete responses. Similar to dream recall techniques, this process is straightforward: before retiring to bed, concentrate on your area of interest.

Another helpful pre-sleep practice involves contemplating the significant events and emotions of the day. By doing so, you increase the likelihood of dreaming about matters of paramount importance to you.

Now, suppose you are already in the realm of slumber. How do you go about recollecting your dreams? Initially, strive to awaken naturally, devoid of external stimuli. If this proves unattainable, opt for the gentlest alarm available, one devoid of a blaring radio. Upon rousing, linger in bed momentarily with your eyes closed, gently transitioning into wakefulness while striving to retain the essence of your dreams in your memory. Leverage this interval to etch the dream's imagery into your consciousness. Typically, the final phase of oneiric activity is the lengthiest, and these moments offer the prime opportunity for dream recall.

It is imperative to record the dream's keywords immediately upon waking. Ideally, maintain a journal on your nightstand for this purpose. This enables a thorough reconstruction of the dream at a later time.

The Dream Journal

Next, transcribe into your notebook (placed conveniently beside your bed) every morsel that lingers in your memory, regardless of how absurd or mundane your dreams may seem. This is not the juncture for evaluation or interpretation; it is solely about documenting every fragment in meticulous detail. Considering the frailty of memory, it is permissible to initiate with a few keywords that encapsulate the essence of the dream. These keywords will facilitate reconstruction should you lack ample time in the morning. Over time, your journal will organically evolve into a comprehensive record, allowing for the study, analysis, and comparison of a series of dreams. Through this compilation of episodes, you may discern recurring characters, situations, or themes—a facet easily overlooked upon initial review. A salient detail: specialists recommend dating and titling each dream, aiding in subsequent recollection during readings.

Supplement your entries with relevant annotations—a documentation of the emotions they elicited, noteworthy aspects, predominant colors, and more. Inclusion of a sketch or diagram featuring pivotal images can also expedite your journey towards interpreting the dream's significance. Finally, venture your initial personal interpretation of the dream—a subject we shall delve into further in the second part of this book.

In Closing

Dreams are akin to "signs," messages from our subconscious, and the study and interpretation of these dreams often pave the way for resolving the concerns that weigh upon us. Nocturnal slumber beckons us into communion with our deepest selves, endowing us with an expanded perspective for addressing our trials. Induced dreams, in particular, tend to be more memorable than other oneiric endeavors. As we dream, we traverse a fantastical realm that eludes the confines of spatial and temporal logic.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]

A to Z Dream Interpretation