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Zoo Dream Interpretation

Interpretation from 29 Unique Sources About Zoo

zoo image

1. Busy place

2. Caged in;

3. Being displayed;

4. Out of your habitat;

5. Out of control;

6. The world; 1 John 2:16.


In a dream I was resting in our lounge with my wife behind my back on the carpet. Next to my head was a fire place , (we don`t have a fireplace in our lounge) my face was very near to the fire place which was not burning at the moment, the outline of the fireplace was dark brown in color, wavy shaped. sudden I felt something touching my face, and it looked liked two legs of an insect, this brownish color thing in the fireplace that was dormant, just came alive. I got up and followed this insect that looked like a blown up flea. it walked down the passage to our bedroom. This blown up flea entered our main bed room, my granddaughters who don`t live with us was in the bed room, normally they are afraid of insects but they just stared at this funny looking creature that looks like a blown up flea. they were not scared at all.

I remember that I went to sit on our bed and this creature tried to climbed on our bed,. . . end of dream

Dream Symbols

See Also: Lounge; Fire place; Face; Flea; bedroom insect.


My dream

Your house represent your body, see house in Room and accessories metaphors) myself and my wife Barbs was lying on the carpet next to the fire place, the fire place also have a chimney, this represents your lungs (my lungs) SEE FIREPLACE ROOMS/HOUSE/ACCESSORIES METAPHORS That which was dormant in my lungs became active. The creature that came alive and looks like a blown up flea, was the cause of my problem,

The Children was not afraid of this creature explained to me that I don`t need to be afraid of this.

I developed high fever (HAD THIS FOR A MONTH) which the doctors could not explain, (fireplace very hot). They took a scan and found that all my glands in the lungs were swollen. The doctors diagnosed me with all the fatal diseases. One specialist told me your glands was swollen and ask me, do I know what that mean. This means that the cancer already spread throughout my body. I said to him that I am not interested in his speculation , that the Lord already warned me in a dream.

The results came back and they diagnosed Sarcoidosis, no RX for it and in most cases the body heals itself.

The blown up flea speaks of just a nuisance and being insignificant, (See Also: FLEA in animal metaphors) Fire place (high fever) my lungs, God is good He always speaks to us , He Cares and I give Him all glory.

Just one thing when I received the dream I never rebuked the negative aspect of the dream. when you receive a dream always pray about it, pray against negativity and ask the lord to fulfil that what He promised.

In Isaiah it reminds us that once a year we will visit satan to remind us of the person who caused all our trouble, when I read that portion I said it with such hatred that I AM GOING TO SEEE! YOU BURN IN AGONY!!!! He returned the favour to me with high fever.


Carmen`s dream The Whale and the Eagle

I dreamed I was on a ship and there was a huge whale swimming right next to the ship and it had a fin slightly raised and the water was making a bend, flowing over its fin, almost like a tunnel, or the way air passes over a plane`s wings. Then right above the whale was an eagle, unusually large, flying right above this whale and its wing was directly aligned to the whales fin, right next to the this ship and I was standing right underneath and between the two animals on the ship, they were moving at the same speed of this ship and I was enjoying the ride not feeling scared by the size or closeness of them.

Dream symbols

See Also: Whale Ship Eagle


This is an awesome dream; God is going to use you in a powerful way. These symbols speak of great influence. Ships speak of mega churches and this may represents the entire Body of Christ. Whales represent the Prophetic as well as the eagle. Interesting that the whale swallowed Jonah and he was also a prophet. I see you travelling to the USA and I keep on seeing 700 club. (the eagle is symbolic of America!) . I believe your job description is the media. whales is extremely sensitive animal communicating over long distances, (Airways) and in this manner you will reach the body of Christ (the ship) “I was standing right underneath and between the two animals on the ship,” this prophetic anointing and gifts overshadow you, rest on you AND WILL MOVE IN HARMONY wherever you go, (the whale and eagle moving with the ship) Under his wings you will find cover, the eagles wing aligning it with the fin of the whale reminds me of the stabilizer on a ship that resembles the fin of this whale. The Holy Spirit will give YOU utterance to speak without fear his holy oracles that WILL greatly impacts your audience, blessings.


Universal Landscape: The repression of deep, primal urges.

Dreaming Lens: Were you visiting a zoo? What types of animals were in the zoo? Were they real or imaginary? How did you feel about the confinement of the animals? What sort of cages were there? What was the habitat like? Were you the one on display?

Personal Focus: No matter how humane the conditions of a zoo are, there is the inescapable fact that the animals are out of their natural environments and on display. Whether for amusement or educational value, the restraint of an animal is symbolic of the restraint of primal instincts. In a dream, this connects to those urges that our thinking, rational mind keeps beneath the surface of our consciousness.

We project onto caged animals qualities that live inside of us and ponder them from a distance through the bars. The more dangerous the animal, the more primal the urge being repressed. A more docile creature on display might connect to lost innocence. Whatever qualities you ascribe to the zoo animal, it is those qualities that live in yourself which are being compartmentalized by your psyche and exhibited in your dream.

Primates closely resemble human beings. Therefore, a caged monkey or ape could correlate directly with aggressive energy that is being held at bay. You may need to examine a dream zoo from the opposite perspective: there may be spontaneous, aggressive reactions you are having in your life that would be better served by being caged and restrained—visible to others, but safely behind bars.

If your dream connects more to the entertainment element of the zoo experience, you are more likely dreaming of your social interactions with other people. If the sense of the dream is educative in nature, you may have something to learn about your animal instincts. If you are distressed about the confinement of the animals, this may point to levels of compartmentalization in your life that are troubling to you. If safety is the issue of your dream, you might want to look at how fear of losing control may be constraining your freedom.


This symbol relates to the repression of deep, primal urges and instincts. No matter how humane the conditions of a zoo are, there is the inescapable fact that the animals are out of their natural environments and on display. Whether done for amusement or educational value, the restraint of an animal is symbolic of the restraint of primal instincts. In a dream, this connects to those urges that our thinking, rational mind keeps beneath the surface of our consciousness. We project onto caged animals qualities that live inside of us and ponder them from a distance through the bars.

The more dangerous the animal, the more primal the urge being repressed.

A more docile creature on display might connect to lost innocence. Whatever qualities you ascribe to the zoo animal, it is those qualities that live in yourself that are being compartmentalized by your psyche and exhibited in your dream.


Zoo animals, habitats, and activities can represent the variety of things in your real life (such as people, houses in a neighborhood, activities, facets of your life, etc.).

A group, community, city, company, or other self-contained organization.

Chaos, or the presence of lots of different activities somewhere in your life.

Being or feeling confined or imprisoned (physically, emotionally, or mentally).

Being or feeling removed from your usual environment.

Protecting, conserving, or saving.

Observation or control.

Pampering or an easy life (but perhaps at a price).

The idea of exotic, foreign, or rare.

Consider also the events at the zoo, their context, and how you felt about them.

See Also: any particular animal, activity, or habitat(swamp, desert, etc.) that stood out.

See Also: Aquarium, Animal, Feeding, Amusement Park, Park


1- Dreaming of being in a zoo suggests the need to understand some of our natural urges and instincts. We perhaps need to be more objective in our appraisal than subjective.

2- There may be an urge to return to simpler, more basic modes of behaviour. Some people are natural observers, and we may be being alerted to the fact that we also need to be capable of participating in perhaps in the work situation, conduct appropriate to the group

3- Dreaming of a zoo can alert the to which we belong. We also, of dreamer to the necessary and course, may be conscious that we appropriate customs and behaviour ourselves arc being observed, in an impending situation.


To dream that you are at a zoo symbolizes loss of freedom, or that your abilities and talents are going unnoticed. You feel caged in by someone or something in your waking life. The zoo may also represent chaos and confusion, as implied by the common phrase ‘this place is a zoo!’ You may need to tidy up some situation in your life. Alternatively, dreaming of a zoo can indicate the need to understand your instincts and urges; or perhaps you feel that you are being watched in some way in waking life. Your dreaming mind may be alerting you to the importance of appropriate behavior.

See Also: ANIMALS.


Visiting a zoo denotes pleasant surprises and good luck in any sort of project.

If you are a woman, there will be a passionate romance that results in marriage; for a man, he will succeed in winning over a woman that he wants. On the other hand, depending on the animals included in the dream, it could represent your nature. Every animal that appears will be an aspect of your nature. You need to assess which feelings appear represented.

The zoo dreams predict trips and pleasant stays in foreign countries.

If a child accompanies you in the dream, it signifies very good luck.


An alternative cage dream, in which parts of your personality- are displayed to others. What faces are you showing the world? For example, are you growling at even-one like a bear, or perhaps being overly playful like a monkey}

Parts of yourself that you keep firmly under lock and key, especially the animalistic urges and instincts. Look to the animal symbols given sein for more insight.

A zookeeper reflects aggression. Something restrains you from truly being yourself. Alternatively, if you are the zookeeper, consider what or whom you’re trying to control unfairly.


To dream that you are visiting a zoo indicates a loss of your freedom. It further symbolizes that your talents and abilities have gone unnoticed. You may feel that you, or an aspect of yourself, is caged in. Conversely, a zoo may indicate confusion or chaos in your life. This feeling is exemplified by the saying ‘this place is a zoo!’ Consider what aspects of your life may need to be straightened out.


If the animals were happy, then dreaming of a zoo portends travels in distant places.

If children were with you, whatever you want to accomplish in those places will be successful.

If the animals were upset or agitated, then your view of the world is a bit jaded right now. You’re viewing the world as a crazy, violent place, where no one is safe - as in the metaphor, “this place is a zoo.”


Dreaming about the zoo usually indicates that you need to go back and finish up a recent situation - often, this means concluding an argument with a friend, or sometimes finalizing a home improvement project.

To see wild animals escaping from the zoo represents setbacks in the course of achieving your goals.

If they were caught, your setbacks will be temporary and easily overcome.


One’s natural urges and instincts, such as sexuality, parental caring, social grouping. What is happening to the animals shows how one is relating to the natural side of one­self—and how it is responding to one’s conscious attitudes and activities. Life processes in us are not inert: they con­stantly respond to what we do and what we are.

See Also: animals.


Different ways of expressing animal instincts within self that are restricted, caged. Seeing life as a zoo; many variations of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies. Remember to laugh at yourself and to be understanding, compassionate toward the many forms of self-expression. Also, your present situation is like a zoo; relax and enjoy.


Dreams of a zoo represent your primal urges, sexual drives, and protective instincts in its multifaceted splendor. Alternatively, the fact that these animals are caged may be giving you the message to unleash your natural urges and let your true feelings roam free.

See Also: Animal, Integration Dreams.


Depth Psychology: The zoo is the place where all your instincts and urges reside. You are either suppressing or controlling them. Caged animals in the zoo are often a sign that you are suppressing your urges.

See Also: Animals.

The rest of the dream is an indication of your actual situation.


Strolling through a zoo in a dream may indicate pent- up emotions or primal power. It may also humorously symbolize that you are living in a “zoo”—an overwhelming place where a variety of influences are demanding your attention.


You’ll be seeing new faces in far-off places if you dreamed of being at the zoo, and if you took a child (or children) along, your travels will be profitable as well as pleasurable.

See Also: Animals.


Dreaming of being in a zoo suggests the need to understand some of our natural urges and instincts. We perhaps need to be more objective in our appraisal than subjective.


Material aspects: Dreaming of a zoo can alert us to the necessary and appropriate customs and behaviour or the hierarchical structure in an impending situation.


When you dream of a zoo it reveals a feeling of helplessness whereby you may be trapped despite yourself. It denotes an acceptance of ideas imposed by others.


“This place is a zoo!” is a common description of chaos and confusion.

Dreaming of a zoo may indicate that the dreamer needs to tidy up some situation.


Are you looking at your own animal side? This image refers to the animus anima (and your masculine and feminine sides).


1. Busy place

2. Frustrated;

3. On show;

4. Out of your surroundings;

5. Out of control;

6. The world; 1 John 2:16.


1. Confinement and exhibition.

2. Controlled instincts.

3. Feel­ing unnoticed, abilities underappreciated.


Figurative of a group of people who, because of their behavior, are confined; see “animals”


Representative of a busy and active place in life


Confusion and un-evolved people surrounding you


lucky numbers: 07-13-21-36-50-57

going to the, alone: are humiliated and your instincts confined.

with family: good hopes if the future wil al ow.

friend: do not confide your secrets; select friends after close observation.

husband or wife: hopes wil not be realized; wil have a varied fortune.

sweetheart: confined and molested by others.

keeper of game, the: financial gains with close attention.

visiting a, with children: need to tidy up a situation and wish joy and admiration.

wild animals, being in a, with: success wil require a new way to make money.

working in a: your jealousy wil make your married life miserable.

others: they have a reputation for gossip.


Sources and Authors

  1. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  2. Dream Sight: A Dictionary and Guide for Interpreting Any Dream by [Back to dream]
  3. Complete Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  4. The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  5. Ten Thousand Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  6. The Element Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  7. The Big Dictionary of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  8. The Language of Dreams by [Back to dream]
  9. Dream Symbols and Analysis by [Back to dream]
  10. Dream Explanations of Astro Center by [Back to dream]
  11. My Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  12. A Guide to Dreams and Sleep Experiences by [Back to dream]
  13. The Dream Books Symbols by [Back to dream]
  14. Strangest Dream Explanations by [Back to dream]
  15. Dreamers Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  16. Ariadne's Book of Dream by [Back to dream]
  17. The Complete Guide to Interpreting Your Dreams by [Back to dream]
  18. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  19. Dream Meanings of Versatile by [Back to dream]
  20. Psycho Dream Interpretation by [Back to dream]
  21. Dream Symbols in The Dream Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  22. Little Giant Encyclopedia by [Back to dream]
  23. Dream Dictionary The Biblical Model by [Back to dream]
  24. New American Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  25. Dream Dictionary Unlimited by [Back to dream]
  26. Christian Dream Symbols by [Back to dream]
  27. The Bedside Dream Dictionary by [Back to dream]
  28. Zolar’s Book of Dreams Numbers and Lucky Days by [Back to dream]

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A to Z Dream Interpretation